State Board of Accountancy

While the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants is the only professional membership association for the state's CPAs, the Connecticut State Board of Accountancy (housed under the Department of Consumer Protection) is the body that regulates the state's CPAs and oversees licensing, continuing professional education requirements, quality review, examination, regulation, and discipline.
Quick Links to Resources and Guidance
The State Board of Accountancy website contains a number of forms, tools, and FAQs you may need.
- To apply for a certificate and license online, visit eLicense Online (
- To find information on application requirements and fees, visit Certified Public Accountants (
- Reinstatements cannot be processed online. Credentials expired more than 150 days are subject to reinstatement. The forms and requirements may be found at Certified Public Accountants (
- License verifications may be accessed at Verify a License Permit or Registration ( the official primary source of verification to print the current status of your CPA credential.
- Answers to frequently asked questions regarding Firms, Name/Address Changes, Renewals and Continuing Education Requirements, Foreign and Chartered Accountants in Connecticut, and filing complaints may be found at Certified Public Accountants (

How does the CTCPA work with the State Board?
We work hand-in-hand with the State Board of Accountancy to safeguard the profession. We're present at all of their monthly meetings, and representatives from the State Board are always in attendance to congratulate the state's newest CPAs at our annual Recognition Reception (pictured at left).