Maintaining Your CPA Credential

Department of Consumer Protection Working to Verify CPE Compliance Certificates
In response to reports of incidents of individuals altering PDF documents used to verify CPE compliance with the state of Connecticut, the Department of Consumer Protection has been working to validate certain CPE certificates, including some issued by the CTCPA. We have been contacted to verify information for current investigations and have been informed by the Department of Consumer Protection that several more inquiries are forthcoming.
If you have any questions or need assistance with your CPE certificates, please reach out to Professional Development Director Lisa Bugryn at or 860-258-0232. You can also download any CTCPA CPE certificates at Simply login and select “My Professional Development” from the “My CTCPA” dashboard.
Connecticut CPA licensees are required to complete 40 hours of continuing professional education each year. Depending on your area of practice, there may be specific credits required within that 40 hours.
Peer Review
Connecticut accounting firms that perform certain accounting, auditing, and attestation services must undergo a peer review every three years. We administer the AICPA peer review program in order to enhance the quality of these firms.
Mobility allows licensed CPAs and CPA firms to practice across state jurisdictions - without additional licensing or fees.. To date, most states (including Connecticut!) have passed mobility legislation. Find out if mobility applies to you and your current engagement below.