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Hybrid Jobs Surge 29% YoY; Remote Jobs Decline
August 29, 2023
Most companies require or encourage employees to work from the office, but 80% of staff continue to work from home or keep a hybrid schedule.
CTCPA Launches Pipeline Committee to Cultivate Interest in the Profession and Support Tomorrow's CPAs on Their Career the Path
August 25, 2023
New initiatives will be supported by individuals across the CTCPA membership. Looking for member engagement!
What New and Prospective Hires Are Demanding: CFO Peer Audit
August 25, 2023
With labor issues continuing to be top of mind, we asked CFOs what new hires have requested lately.
Thomson Reuters Future of Professionals Report Predicts AI will Have a Transformational Impact on Professional Work by 2028
August 23, 2023
Thomson Reuters (NYSE/TSX: TRI), a global content and technology company, today released its Future of Professionals Report. The survey of more than 1,200 individuals working internationally shares the predicted impact that generative AI will have on the future of professional work. The survey showed 67% of respondents believe AI will have a transformational or high impact on their profession in the next five years.
Connecticut Adopts 30-Month CPA Exam Testing Window: FAQs on Timing and Implementation
August 17, 2023
This spring the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) announced an amendment to the Uniform Accountancy Act Model Rules that extends the CPA Exam testing window from 18 months to 30 months. This means that individuals will now have 30 months from receiving their first CPA Exam section passing score to successfully pass the remaining sections.
More employers using counteroffers to retain staff, report finds
August 16, 2023
The summer Labour Market Outlook found that employers are increasingly using counteroffers in response to skill shortages, with some planning pay reviews over the next year.