Becoming a CPA in Connecticut

Why Become a CPA?
CPAs are accountants who complete additional education, experience, and testing to become certified – CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant.
Becoming a CPA is an investment in yourself and your future – and it comes with countless benefits. Among them, CPAs can boost their earnings by $1 million or more over their lifetime!

CTCPA's Guide to Becoming a CPA in Connecticut
With the new CPA Exam launched, we have released a new version of CTCPA's Guide to Becoming a CPA in Connecticut as well as Transition Information for CPA Candidates in Connecticut.
Request a print copy of the guide by emailing April DiFalco at

FAQs, Forms, and Resources
The path to the CPA credential is well worth it, but it does require hard work, perseverance, and attention
to detail.
The CTCPA Membership Team is at the ready to help! Reach out to us with any questions at or call 860-258-4800 and press 2.
FAQs, Forms, and Resources
We've gathered everything in one place. Here are all the forms and links you'll need.
The CTCPA Membership Team is at the ready to help! Reach out to us with any questions at or call 860-258-4800 and press 2.
There are a lot of organizations and companies you'll encounter along the way, between scheduling your exams and applying for your license. You can also check out this reference guide of the key players.
CTCPA student members get access to amazing scholarships and can save hundreds of dollars on popular CPA Exam review courses. We also offer you the education you'll need going forward to keep your license current, can introduce you to 6,000 CPAs across the state, and offer programs such as our popular Interview Day program to help you land a first job or internship. Student membership is free - Join today!
Here are the colleges and universities in Connecticut with accounting programs recognized by the Connecticut State Board of Accountancy.
The CTCPA Accounting Scholarship Foundation exists help aspiring CPAs make their dreams reality, awarding more than $50,000 in college scholarships annually. Find more information on the awards CTCPA Student Members can apply for to help you along your journey to CPA - from high school to college to sitting for the CPA Exam. Not a CTCPA member? Student membership is free - join today!
CTCPA members also can take advantage of exclusive discounts from top providers. Learn more.
In addition, be sure to check with your supervisor or HR department – many employers will help cover or reimburse you for expenses related to CPA certification such as CPA Exam review courses, application and exam fees, and certification/licensing fees. (There may be salary increase or bonuses that come with earning the CPA credential as well!)
CTCPA student members can take advantage of exclusive discounts from top providers. Learn more.
Once you've got the degree, gained the experience, passed the exam... there's just one more step! You just need to pass the AICPA Professional Ethics for CPAs self-study exam (available for purchase, by members and nonmembers, from the CTCPA) with a score of 90 or better.
The ethics exam is an online product - you simply watch OnDemand videos and take the ethics exam online.
Once you become a CPA in Connecticut, you have two choices: you may register your certificate or you may apply for a CPA license. You can only have one options listed below at a time, but you can change which type you hold.
CPA Certificate Registration
Many Connecticut CPAs choose this option of registering their certificates, which allows use of the CPA credential on correspondence and business cards but is less costly. This does not allow you to represent yourself as a practicing CPA. Registering your certificate allows limited use of the title “CPA.”
Initial Fee: $40.00
Annual Renewal Fee: $40.00
CPA License
In Connecticut, a CPA license is required to open a public accounting firm, sign audit reports, and other functions. It is the most costly option and also requires you to earn and report 40 hours of continuing professional education (CPE) credits each year.
Initial Fee: $150.00
Annual Renewal Fee: $565.00
See more on the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection website.