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The Art of Marketing for CPAs

Friday, Jun 27
 1:00pm - 4:40pm

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4.00 Credits

Member Price $129.00

Non-Member Price $159.00


To make more money in less time, all accountants need to learn to market themselves effectively to their clients or their firm. For better or worse, promotions and more money go to those who are the best marketers, rather than the most competent accountants.  In this fascinating and fun workshop, participants will learn seven key ways to get more clients and/or promotions through the art of marketing.


  • How to improve your standing with your boss or clients
  • Overcome your fear or reticence to do self promotion
  • Make more money by knowing how to get promoted and/or attract more clients in a shorter period of time
  • Give your firm or clients greater value so they will rave about what you have to offer


  • Why marketing and self promotion are so important today
  • What keeps people from learning this skill, and how to overcome those obstacles
  • How to get people (your boss, co-workers or clients) to like working with you
  • How to sell someone on your services in a single minute
  • How to attract more clients or the attention of your boss in a way that "wows" them
  • How to get referrals from your clients or glowing reviews from your boss
  • The 3 communication skills every business person needs to master, and why
  • The 3 principles that really lead to more success in the business world, and how you can use those principles for you company and career

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Leader Bios

Jonathan Robinson, Frank Sanitate Associates

Jonathan Robinson Jonathan Robinson is an Associate with Frank Sanitate Associates. He is a psychotherapist, author, and professional speaker from Santa Barbara, California. Jonathan has reached over a million people around the world with his practical methods, and his work has been translated into 47 languages. Mr Robinson has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey and other TV talk shows, CNN, and CNBC. Among his books are: Shortcuts to Bliss, Instant Insight: 200 Ways to Create the Life You Really Want and Communication Miracles for Couples. His specialty is teaching people simple techniques that can have a profound impact on the quality of their life. He has an M.A. and an M.F.C.C.

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Non-Member Price $159.00

Member Price $129.00