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Futuristic Audit Trends: The Future is Now

Thursday, Jun 5
 11:00am - 12:00pm

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1.00 Credits

Member Price $75.00

Non-Member Price $89.00


Cloud technology, AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain are upon us in the accounting profession. The data entry and non-value added tasks continue to decline as automation increases. This technology enables clients to keep their books up to date in real-time and better understand the effect of the financials on their business. As an auditor, it’s time to learn how to take advantage of this technology to streamline your workflow and utilize remote applications to eliminate the amount of time you have to physically visit a client site as well as to create greater team engagement internally At the same time, it’s important to know how to utilize ecosystem applications to speed up the non-value added time in an audit to create more profitable engagements and a better work environment for your teams.


  • Identify trends happening currently that will impact the future of accounting and auditing, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing, and more
  • Recognize what Cloud Advisory services are and how an audit practice can use these practitioners to their advantage
  • Distinguish next steps for audit firms to avoid being disrupted and to be the disruptor by better utilizing remote technology and technologic innovations to create more efficient engagements


Cloud technology, AI, Machine Learning and Blockchain
Cloud Advisory services
Utilization of remote technology and technologic innovations to create more efficient engagements
Next steps for audit firms to avoid being disrupted

Designed For

Public accounting partners, managers, and staff supporting clients from an audit, tax and SOC services




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  • Amy Vetter, Xero Accounting Software

Non-Member Price $89.00

Member Price $75.00