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Surgent's A Practical Guide to Auditing Cash and Cash Equivalents

Available Until Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025

Surgent McCoy CPE, LLC

201 N. King of Prussia Rd. Ste. 370
Radnor, PA 19087

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2.00 Credits

Member Price $89.00

Non-Member Price $124.00


Cash and cash equivalents tend to be one of the first areas assigned to new auditors since it tends to be straightforward with less complexity and risk as other areas. In addition, there is little subjectivity involved and persuasive audit evidence from a third-party is generally available. Interestingly enough, this is an area that can have a significant risk of misappropriation of assets if the appropriate level of segregation of duties and other internal controls is not present. New auditors should approach cash with the same professional skepticism as other areas since there is always the risk of material misstatement. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent’s Audit Skills Training: Level 1.)


  • Identify risks related to cash and cash equivalents
  • Identify sources of audit evidence associated with cash and cash equivalents
  • Discuss standard audit procedures related to cash and cash equivalents
  • Explain how to evaluate audit evidence associated with cash
  • Describe typical presentation and disclosure issues related to cash


  • Explain typical audit risks and special considerations related to cash and cash equivalents
  • Identify the risk of fraud related to cash and cash equivalents
  • Describe designing a detailed audit plan, linking assessed risk to planned procedures
  • Techniques used to perform the audit procedures associated with auditing cash and cash equivalents
  • Obtaining evidence related to cash and cash equivalents
  • Case study and test yourself questions related to auditing cash and cash equivalents

Designed For

Professionals new to auditing cash and cash equivalents






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Non-Member Price $124.00

Member Price $89.00