Surgent's Compilations, Review, And Attestation Engagements
Available Until Wednesday, Apr 30, 2025
2.00 Credits
Member Price $89.00
Non-Member Price $124.00
Most CPA firms perform some level of compilation and review engagements. And some perform engagements under attestation standards. Building off what you learned in the training in Level 1, Module 4, this course offers builds provides a deeper dive into the most frequently missed issues in compilations and reviews engagements. We will also focus on attestation engagements and the various types of engagements an auditor can perform. (Please Note: This module is part of Surgent’s Audit Skills Training: Level 2.)
- Recall SSARS Basics
- Understand advanced SSARS reporting issues, such as complying with international standards and preparing compilations of proforma information.
- Explain how to avoid peer review deficiencies in compilation and review engagements.
- Identify the distinction between different levels of engagements performed in accordance with the attestation standards (examinations, reviews and agreed upon procedures)
- Frequently missed issues in compilation and review engagements as noted by peer reviewers
- Understand how to comply with AR-C 100 on International Standards and AR-C 120, Compilations of Proforma Information
- Introduction to attestation standards (AT)
- Performing attestation examination engagements
- Performing attestation review engagements
- Performing Agreed Upon Procedures
Designed For
Accountants who perform compilations, reviews, and attestation engagements.
You will receive an email from Surgent CPE with instructions to access this webinar.
Non-Member Price $124.00
Member Price $89.00