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Professional Development and Event Catalog

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ACPEN Signature 2024: Not-for-Profit Accounting, Auditing and Tax Update

Thursday, December 5
 2:00pm - 10:00pm


8.00 Credits

Member Price: $250

The tax laws keep changing and nonprofit entities must continue to adjust to new rules.  As part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, passed in August 2022, hundreds of billions of dollars in government funding and costs were allocated to energy and climate initiatives. As part of the legislation, for the first-time, tax-exempt organizations (including not-for-profits and government agencies) can claim certain energy credits on their federal income tax returns and receive a refund from the federal government even if they have zero federal income tax liability. Donor advised funds continue to be an area of focus within the IRS and Treasury, with proposed regulations recently issued (with more expected on the way). This year’s tax update will include s summary of these regulations already issued, as well as what’s on the table prospectively. This year’s Annual Not-for-Profit Update will include a tax update and review of key issues in completing IRS Form 990, and related Schedules. It is more important than ever for non-profits to understand and complete this annual tax form to ensure that the organization and its donors are also protected so they can accomplish their corporate intentions and goals. On the accounting standards front, some nonprofits will still be implementing the FASB’s new Credit Losses standard (Accounting Standards Codification [ASC] Topic 326), the last of the FASB’s recent wave of major standards. This standard primarily affects two groups of nonprofits: (1) those making loans or financial guarantees (e.g., foundations, community development financial institutions, universities) and (2) those with accounts receivable arising from service (or goods) delivery rather than grants and contributions (e.g., hospitals, universities). Meanwhile, the FASB has been progressing through its next generation of projects, informed by a public agenda consultation in 2021, as well as preparing for a follow-on public agenda consultation to be conducted beginning later this year. Although many of these projects are focused on business enterprises and the needs of their investors, there are several recent standards (Accounting Standards Updates [ASUs]) and current projects that have or could have significant applicability to some or many nonprofits. These include recent ASUs on Crypto Assets (2023-08) and on Income Tax Disclosures (2023-09) and current projects on Software Development Costs and on two specific Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues with potential financial statement impact, Financial Instruments with ESG-linked Features (part of a project on Derivatives Scope Refinements) and Environmental Credit Programs. This year’s FASB Update will include helpful implementation reminders for Credit Losses, and for Leases between Entities under Common Control (ASU 2023-01), which was important follow-on guidance for another of the FASB’s major recent standards, Leases (ASC Topic 842). The Update will also provide background information and discuss key provisions of the ASUs on Crypto Assets and Income Tax Disclosures, and a summary of efforts to-date on the Software Development Costs and ESG-related projects, as well as provide a brief preview of upcoming 2024 agenda consultation. Auditing Update - a review of Statements on Auditing Standards 142 (Audit Evidence), 143 (Accounting Estimates), 144 (Amendments to AU-C 501, 540 and 620); 145 (Understanding the Entity and Assessing Risk), 146 (Quality Management),148 (Amendments to AU-C 935), that will impact audits conducted in 2023 and beyond, with emphasis on practical application to NFP organizations. This session will also discuss the Statements on Quality Management Standards and their impact on smaller firms. Ethics Update – Our course will provide a review of recently enacted Ethics Interpretations, including NOLAR, Unpaid Fees, Accounting Standards Implementation, Loans, Information system services, Officer and directors, and Compliance Audits, as well as consideration of exposure drafts currently outstanding. Qualifies as one hour of ethics CPE.   This program will also provide an overview of other recent standards issued and projects in progress that impact Not-for-Profit entities. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

The Ethic of Self-Esteem For Women

Thursday, December 5
 2:30pm - 4:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Ethics is ultimately about our relationship to ourself, others, and the world in which we live. Therefore, to enhance our relationships with those around us, we must first start with the regard we hold for ourselves. From an ethical vantage, it can be said that we have a moral obligation to work toward self-love, honor, and respect. Matters of self-esteem are important in every aspect of life including goal setting, relationships, establishing boundaries, handling conflict, levels of productivity, and expressing our needs in respectful and dignified ways. This course explores traps of low self-esteem and ways to minimize those traps. We also explore components of high self-esteem and actions to foster higher regard for self. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Accounting of the Soul: Making the World a Better Place

Thursday, December 5
 5:00pm - 6:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

This workshop explores how each of us can play a part in helping to make the world a more fair and gentler place. This one-hour webinar includes an overview of Aristotle's virtue ethics and its application to present day life. We will focus on the virtue of compassion both individually and organizationally and its impact on individual, organizational and world wellbeing. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

5 Steps to Cultivate a Values-Based Approach to Governance

Thursday, December 5
 7:00pm - 8:09pm


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

Emerging from the pandemic is a workplace culture governed by values. Far from a soft approach, it can drive significant business results. Organizations that embrace an empathetic culture increase performance and decrease turnover, while their customers report a more positive experience. Additionally, being more “person-focused” strongly correlates with more effective ethics and compliance programs. These insights can provide a roadmap for the "new normal" as the world emerges from the crisis. How employees and management move forward from this experience will shape the workplace for decades to come.

2024 Resolving Ethical Dilemmas-You Make the Call

Thursday, December 5
 7:00pm - 8:17pm


1.50 Credits

Member Price: $59

By now, we should all understand the ethical obligations we have as CPAs.  So, theoretically, if we just all agree to remain ethical, we should not have CPA ethical violations.  But, of course, our professional ethics committees still have plenty of cases to investigate.  This session will examine several ethical frameworks, including the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct’s and the GAO Yellow Book’s Threats and Safeguards approach to remaining ethical and resolving ethical dilemmas.  The session will present several ethical case studies that illustrate the complexities of and challenges to staying ethical. By exercising our “ethical muscles”, we should be better positioned to effectively deal with the ethical dilemmas that we will inevitably encounter.

Cases in Corporate Ethics: Discuss Real Life Conflicts

Friday, December 6
 9:00am - 1:00pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $149

If you have ever had someone just read you the rules in an ethics class, you know there is a better way. Cases in Corporate Ethics reviews 10 real life cases and puts you in the position of someone in the middle of it all. You'll learn about conflicts that corporate financial professionals often encounter, you'll gain skills for dealing with a boss who is behaving badly and find out where to go for help. Once you have studied ethics using real world cases, you'll never want to do it any other way. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leadershift Ethics: Things Must Change!

Friday, December 6
 11:30am - 1:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

With the rapid pace of change, change now happens daily in business and our personal lives. It can be difficult to navigate change when right and wrong get a bit fuzzy. New processes, new technology, new circumstances and new impacts to people must be measured and decisions made as the change evolves. Change always becomes something different than what was originally planned or imagined. In this session, learn how to measure your ethics through change. You will learn how to filter everything you do during change through a simple litmus test. Through the power of story, you will learn from the lessons of other organizations and their ethical mistakes. Lastly, you will take away what is required to manage yourself so that when ethical decisions arise, you have the mental capacity to manage through it well. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Practical Ethics and Circular 230 Compliance for CPAs

Friday, December 6
 12:00pm - 4:00pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

This comprehensive four-hour course takes CPAs beyond the basics, diving deep into the ethical quandaries that professionals face. Beyond just the rules of Circular 230, you'll explore a variety of ethical issues, discovering the best ways to handle them with integrity and wisdom. The course provides a dual focus: understanding your obligations under Circular 230 and tackling wider ethical challenges that can arise in your day-to-day work. With real-world scenarios and interactive discussions, you'll come away with practical solutions and the confidence to make the right decisions, keeping your practice ethical and your professional standing secure. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

CPA Ethics in a Crisis World: Tales From the Front

Friday, December 6
 1:30pm - 3:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Based on real life experiences! This program addresses the many issues impacting CPA practice with a world in crisis. The unique challenges facing practitioners are related through actual practice situations - and then analyzed for their ethical implications. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Cognitive Biases for Accountants

Friday, December 6
 2:00pm - 4:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

The course provides a concise overview of cognitive biases - thinking errors and "brain bugs" that may distort perceptions, compromise ethics, trigger inaccurate judgments, and spark illogical interpretations in your accounting work. Discover the most common types of cognitive biases in the profession, and how to recognize and address these flaws and blindspots in your "mental firmware". This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics: IRS Criminal Investigations: Key Lessons for Accountants

Friday, December 6
 2:30pm - 4:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

This course provides a concise overview of recent IRS criminal investigations and what practitioners can learn from these cases to help fight economic crime and even avoid personal criminal prosecution. While accountants are numbers people by training (not detectives per se with the exception of forensic accountants), practitioners are increasingly being called upon by governments and economic organizations at all levels to step up and help law enforcement battle financial impropriety. The stakes are huge. In the United States alone, the OECD estimates that 5% to 10% of the annual budget of the US health care programs, Medicare and Medicaid, is wasted as a result of corruption. Every dollar lost to monetary malfeasance has a crippling effect that ripples through countries, industries, companies, communities and individual lives. Government resources are wasted, public services are compromised, companies are financially destabilized, shareholders are cheated, employers are swindled, charities are undermined and much more. By increasing their awareness of what and how the IRS investigates and prosecutes, accountants can heighten their "spidey sense" of what doesn't look right in financial records. This includes honing skills to more readily notice -- and report -- ledger anomalies and irregularities, and even rethink a "silence is always safer" mindset. As technology disrupts and automates many fundamental accounting functions, practitioners can add value by more diligently scanning for "creative accounting" red flags on the frontlines. Prioritizing transparency and behaving ethically -- the core of the profession -- not only helps society and the economy as a whole, it can help accountants boost their reputation as highly trusted business advisors and even supercharge their bottom line. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Independence Requirements for Auditors

Friday, December 6
 4:00pm - 5:47pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

CPAs in public practice are required to maintain independence. In this course, we will discuss concepts associated with independence and review the rules from the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct with a focus on their practical application.  We will also review the recently issued ethics interpretations from the Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC), which impact independence, and discuss practical methods of implementation. 

Business Ethics: Cases from the Real World

Friday, December 6
 4:00pm - 7:51pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Being consistently ethical is a challenge. Most of us have had to make tough choices.  This session will discuss real world cases involving thorny ethical dilemmas and how to resolve them. Being ethical is not the same as complying with the law and ethical issues are not always black and white. This session will review different professional ethical standards.  What does integrity mean in the office? If you want to learn lessons from the best in a short time, this session is for you.  Participate in engaging dialogue about how to prepare for the inevitable ethical situations.  These lessons are valuable for every business leader.

Ethics and Technology for CPAs

Saturday, December 7
 9:00am - 11:00am


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Explore the ethical principles included in the Code of Professional Conduct that address the emerging practice issues created by new technologies. Consider how technologies may impact audit quality and the integrity of the financial systems, and whether they create a need for CPAs to adjust their skill sets to address those challenges. Look at the potential ethical challenges created by the data related to privacy, security, and its application. Discuss the changes being proposed to address emerging ethics challenges. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Business Ethics: Cases from the Real World

Saturday, December 7
 11:00am - 2:51pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Being consistently ethical is a challenge. Most of us have had to make tough choices.  This session will discuss real world cases involving thorny ethical dilemmas and how to resolve them. Being ethical is not the same as complying with the law and ethical issues are not always black and white. This session will review different professional ethical standards.  What does integrity mean in the office? If you want to learn lessons from the best in a short time, this session is for you.  Participate in engaging dialogue about how to prepare for the inevitable ethical situations.  These lessons are valuable for every business leader.

Assessing Independence Under the New Yellow Book

Saturday, December 7
 4:00pm - 4:56pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Individuals who work in a governmental environment have many rules of ethics that must be followed. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) issues Yellow Book providing rules related to ethics and independence, which received a significant update in 2018. We'll review some of the key elements of ethics relevant to governmental entities and auditors to prevent independence noncompliance.

The Ethics Hour: Thinking Through Decisions and Recognizing the Consequences

Monday, December 9
 10:00am - 10:50am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

We all are busy, pressed for time and we strive to do as much as we can – as fast as we can. This is our world.  However, there are times when we should stop and think. When we do not analyze (one of our many talents) this inaction causes problems. We will review the penalties of moving too fast. Let’s learn from the mistakes of others.

Ethics: How to Ensure Zombie Ethics Won't Kill Your Business

Monday, December 9
 10:00am - 12:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

The walking dead aren't the only threat to your business. So are several dangerous, even terrifying myths about what ethical leadership is and is not. This fun and distinctive webinar will present what Forbes contributor Bruce Weinstein, The Ethics Guy, calls "zombie ethics"-myths about accounting that hinder your ability to serve your clients and enjoy a thriving business. Taking a page from Nobel laureate Paul Krugman's recent work, zombie ethics are ideas about ethical leadership that deserve to remain buried but keep resurfacing from time to time. They walk the earth and wreak havoc. In this engaging webinar, The Ethics Guy will show you how to send them back to the cemetery for good. You can then fearlessly bring in new business--and watch your practice soar! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Ethics - Regulatory and Standards Update

Monday, December 9
 10:30am - 12:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Stay current on recent changes to the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and keep abreast of emerging trends in ethics standards and regulatory initiatives and their potential impact on your practice. Explore frequent practitioner ethics compliance challenges, including competence, due professional care, audit quality, and independence. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Ethics Hour: I Can't Believe This Really Happened - Real World Ethics Stories

Monday, December 9
 12:00pm - 12:58pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

You may have read all sorts of stories in books about how bad people steal and make their coworkers and organizations miserable.  Come hear veteran Internal Auditor Rob Berry and veteran CFO John L. Daly discuss situations they have seen in the real world.