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Professional Development and Event Catalog

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Ethics of AI: A CPA's Guide

Monday, December 9
 12:30pm - 2:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

The practical application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the accounting profession is spreading like wildfire with the release of powerful applications such as ChatGPT. A byproduct of this evolution is the origination of new ethical dilemmas for CPAs on how to address the use of this technology in the delivery of their services. This course, presented by John Higgins, CPA, a nationally recognized technology advisor to the profession, will provide CPAs with a practical framework for addressing the various ethical issues that can arise with the application of AI in their work. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Ethics Hour: Deceit and the Whys Behind the Lies: Understanding Ethics

Monday, December 9
 2:00pm - 2:57pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Our guidance on ethics comes from the AICPA and other groups, but it does not fully address the “why” behind ethics. Understanding what motivates people and understanding those people are key to both solving ethical dilemmas and workplace issues that can lead to greater job satisfaction and efficiency. To correct an issue, you need to delve into the root cause – the why?

The Ethics Hour: The Single Best and Most Overlooked Source of Fraud

Monday, December 9
 2:00pm - 3:06pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

We encounter pressure from many varied sources every day. We will focus on one of the more overlooked areas where fraud can be found.  Employees respond to pressure, and sometime the pressure leads to unethical actions. Where should you look and what should you look for? Risk assessment is not something ‘nice to do’, but it is required for internal audits, external audits, and every leader. If you are in a leadership position, learn where to look?

Introduction to Yellow Book

Monday, December 9
 2:00pm - 3:49pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Performing engagements in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS or “Yellow Book”) requires additional reporting, ethics, and performance requirements. This course will identify and review the guidance found in the Yellow Book and analyze the relationship between Government Auditing Standards and the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. We will review the Yellow Book requirements for financial statement audits while also touching upon ethical principles and independence

How Much Are Your Ethics Worth?

Monday, December 9
 2:30pm - 4:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Ethics are of central importance to the CPA profession. But what do we mean by ethics? Is it just appropriate behavior, compliance with laws, or is it more than that? In this course, we'll discover what sets ethics apart and, therefore, sets the profession apart as well. We'll explore the tools available, the role of bias, and dive into real life case studies. We'll apply the AICPA's ethical framework and detect where bias was involved in the case studies. We'll even discover that one person set the price tag on their ethics at $53.7 million, only to lose it all in the end. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Ethics Hour: Ethics in the Real World

Monday, December 9
 4:00pm - 5:05pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Business ethics is not just something “nice to do” but can mean the difference between success, failure, and survival in today’s increasingly competitive environment.  This seminar outlines steps to create an ethical business culture and provides specific ways for financial managers to make better ethical decisions.

Ethics: What a CPA in Public Practice Needs to Know

Monday, December 9
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Accountants in public practice face ethical conflicts almost daily. This workshop (re-)introduces the revised AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and walks through the eleven rules of conduct applicable to accountants in public practice, emphasizing the management of objectivity and competence. We end with discussions of a real-world case involving a CPA whose objectivity and competence is questioned. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Motives and Mystery of Ethics-Understanding the Why

Tuesday, December 10
 10:00am - 11:48am


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Our guidance on ethics comes from the AICPA and other groups, but it does not fully address the “why” behind ethics. This session will examine and define what ethics is and what it means to varying people in the workplace. Understanding what motivates people and understanding those people are key to both solving ethical dilemmas and workplace issues that can lead to greater job satisfaction and efficiency. To correct an issue, you need to delve into the root cause – the why?

Auditing, Assurance, and Ethics Update for Governments and Not-for-Profits

Tuesday, December 10
 12:00pm - 3:00pm


3.00 Credits

Member Price: $166

The right tools Change can be difficult if you do not have the right tools. You can gain those tools through this course, which includes case studies that provide more insight into the changes in the auditor's report and key areas to focus on during your audits.

2023 Taking a Global View of Professional Ethics

Tuesday, December 10
 4:00pm - 5:50pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Just as there is some convergence of U.S. accounting standards (GAAP) with international standards (IFRS), a convergence of U.S. professional ethics standards (AICPA Code of Professional Conduct) with the international Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants is continuing to emerge. This workshop compares these two sets of ethics standards, emphasizing both the theoretical aspects and practical implications for today's accounting professionals.

2024 Let's Meet at the Intersection of Fraud and Ethics

Tuesday, December 10
 6:00pm - 10:00pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

This course explores actual fraud circumstances through the lens of potential prevention. We will examine how selected frauds were accomplished and consider what internal controls may have prevented fraudsters from achieving their nefarious acts. Then we will switch gears to an interactive, case-based discussion that asks participants to reach their own conclusions by analyzing facts in concert with the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and other sources of ethical guidance. This course provides practical, action-oriented insight that can be implemented by accounting professionals in both public practice and industry.

Business Ethics: Cases from the Real World

Tuesday, December 10
 7:00pm - 10:51pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Being consistently ethical is a challenge. Most of us have had to make tough choices.  This session will discuss real world cases involving thorny ethical dilemmas and how to resolve them. Being ethical is not the same as complying with the law and ethical issues are not always black and white. This session will review different professional ethical standards.  What does integrity mean in the office? If you want to learn lessons from the best in a short time, this session is for you.  Participate in engaging dialogue about how to prepare for the inevitable ethical situations.  These lessons are valuable for every business leader.

5 Steps to Cultivate a Values-Based Approach to Governance

Wednesday, December 11
 10:00am - 11:09am


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

Emerging from the pandemic is a workplace culture governed by values. Far from a soft approach, it can drive significant business results. Organizations that embrace an empathetic culture increase performance and decrease turnover, while their customers report a more positive experience. Additionally, being more “person-focused” strongly correlates with more effective ethics and compliance programs. These insights can provide a roadmap for the "new normal" as the world emerges from the crisis. How employees and management move forward from this experience will shape the workplace for decades to come.

Business Ethics: Cases from the Real World

Wednesday, December 11
 10:00am - 1:51pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Being consistently ethical is a challenge. Most of us have had to make tough choices.  This session will discuss real world cases involving thorny ethical dilemmas and how to resolve them. Being ethical is not the same as complying with the law and ethical issues are not always black and white. This session will review different professional ethical standards.  What does integrity mean in the office? If you want to learn lessons from the best in a short time, this session is for you.  Participate in engaging dialogue about how to prepare for the inevitable ethical situations.  These lessons are valuable for every business leader.

Will Your Ethics Be Burned by Burnout?

Wednesday, December 11
 10:30am - 12:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Ethical behavior is not a destination it is a journey with twists, turns, and bumps in the road. We are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. Do I speed to make it to a meeting? Do I call in sick because I need a break? When does "helping my child with their homework" become "doing it for them"? CPAs are ethical most of the time, but staying ethical is hard. It gets harder when we are under stress. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

To Verify or Let It Fly: What to Do About Questionable Tax Return Information

Wednesday, December 11
 12:30pm - 2:17pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Tax return preparation and consulting always involves the accountant's review of – and reliance on – information provided by the client. Not everything can, or need be, verified. This workshop considers the duty of CPA tax return preparers to make further inquiries, from the perspective of Circular 230, preparer penalties and professional ethics.  

Ethics in Today's World and Practical Application Tips

Wednesday, December 11
 2:00pm - 3:47pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $85

The topic of ethics has seemed to permeate every aspect of today’s business including occupying a significant spot in today’s business, educational and professional curriculum. Yet with all the discussion and awareness on the topic, why is it that significant ethical dilemmas and incidents continue to impact our daily lives? The concept of ethics is based in moral philosophy. In part, that is why it is such a difficult issue to “manage”. We often get caught between our independent moral ethical duty, the legal or compliance viewpoint of an issue and management concerns around reputation and ramifications. This course is dedicated to examining a time-line of historical ethical issues that have plagued the business world, evaluating the moral and perceived concepts around ethics, and taking a practical look at how moral and ethical concepts impact the creation of an ethical culture.  

Are You Qualified? The Ethics of Practice Development and Skill Enhancement

Wednesday, December 11
 3:00pm - 4:50pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

For an accounting practice or career to thrive, it must grow and develop. But what about the "Catch-22" of practice development: expertise at anything new requires experience, and experience cannot be attained while you are a non-expert! Or can it? This workshop looks at some of the more popular pathways to practice development (e.g., cybersecurity, client advisory services and cannabis) and considers the drawbacks of reaching too far, too fast.

Surgent's Ethical Considerations for the CPA

Thursday, December 12
 9:00am - 12:30pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $159

CPAs today face greater challenges than ever to maintain the high ethical standards of their profession. It is vitally important that all CPAs understand their professional responsibilities related to all aspects of their job. This course, which focuses on key components of the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, reviews a history of the CPA profession and focuses on ethical requirements that CPAs must adhere to in their everyday practice, including practical examples of potential ethical dilemmas that practitioners may encounter, particularly those related to objectivity and independence. PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE COVERS GENERAL ETHICS AND IS APPLICABLE IN STATES IN WHICH STATE-SPECIFIC ETHICS IS NOT REQUIRED. This course does not qualify for IRS credit.

Ethics: How to Give and Receive Criticism the Right Way

Thursday, December 12
 9:30am - 11:30am


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

How well do you accept criticism? How might it enrich your business - and you - if you did a better job of it? This distinctive webinar will show you why it is in your best interest to accept criticism with gratitude. It's even better to welcome criticism. It's also a good idea to learn how to give criticism the right way. A related topic is the art of giving and receiving apologies, and we'll do a deep dive into this area as well. You'll leave with clear guidelines for how to criticize others, accept criticism from them, give meaningful apologies, and accept apologies with grace and ethical intelligence. The result will be a stronger CPA practice and a better you. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.