Professional Development and Event Catalog
Surgent's Tax Forms Boot Camp: LLCs, Partnerships, and S Corporations
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
The course provides a comprehensive, hands-on, pencil pushing understanding of the preparation of both S corporation and partnership/LLC tax returns, along with the underlying laws, regulations, etc. The course uses the basic concepts underlying the two main types of business returns: 1120-S and 1065 as building blocks for more complex concepts tax preparers should be aware of. The theoretical concepts get illustrated in comprehensive examples that incorporate the most up-to-date law changes and provisions.
Surgent's Taxation of Partnership Distributions and Sales of Partnership Interests
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
This program focuses on two parts of Subchapter K, partnership distributions and sales of partnership interests - topics that tax practitioners are often asked about by clients. Tax practitioners are called upon to advise both the partnership which makes distributions and the partners receiving the distributions regarding the tax consequences of these transactions. Additionally, tax practitioners will be deeply involved in decisions regarding the sale and purchase of a partnership interest. These topics are thoroughly covered in this program. The presenters also discuss several types of partnership distributions and the tax rules relating to them, as well as analyze the tax rules relating to the sale of a partnership interest. Tax practitioners will be given an in-depth analysis of these complex topics, so that they can effectively answer their clients' questions.
Surgent's Taxation of the Mobile Workforce
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $49
Today's workforce looks a lot different than it used to. With more people working from home and across state lines, employers must examine withholding and unemployment laws in a new light. In this course, we will examine tried and true rules in this area, but also examine statutes that are still developing. Using real-life examples and discussion, we will examine state laws on reciprocity and residency requirements. We will also look at what to do when state laws are silent or conflict on a particular issue, so that you can keep your clients in compliance and be well-prepared for the questions that will come your way in these ever-changing times.
Surgent's Taxation of the Mobile Workforce
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Today's workforce looks a lot different than it used to. With more people working from home and across state lines, employers must examine withholding and unemployment laws in a new light. In this course, we will examine tried and true rules in this area, but also examine statutes that are still developing. Using real-life examples and discussion, we will examine state laws on reciprocity and residency requirements. We will also look at what to do when state laws are silent or conflict on a particular issue, so that you can keep your clients in compliance and be well-prepared for the questions that will come your way in these ever-changing times.
Surgent's The Complete Guide to Liquidation of Business Entities
12.00 Credits
Member Price: $219
Liquidations may be used as an alternative to the sale of a business or as an adjunct to the sale of business assets. The objective of this course is to fully explore the technical tax and business issues in liquidating C corporations, S corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies. This unique course is essential for anyone planning to sell a business.
Surgent's The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues
16.00 Credits
Member Price: $279
Employment taxes are often overlooked as an area where more planning may be effective. Payroll taxes have become an increasing burden for the average business, and IRS penalties for noncompliance have risen dramatically in recent years. They have also been subject to employer incentives. The Service has announced that uncovering noncompliance by employers ranks high on its audit list. This course presents a comprehensive overview of federal payroll taxes, Form 1099, and related compliance issues.
Surgent's The Complete Guide to Payroll Taxes and 1099 Issues
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $199
Employment taxes are often overlooked as an area where more planning may be effective. Payroll taxes have become an increasing burden for the average business, and IRS penalties for noncompliance have risen dramatically in recent years. They have also been subject to employer incentives. The Service has announced that uncovering noncompliance by employers ranks high on its audit list. This course presents a comprehensive overview of federal payroll taxes, Form 1099, and related compliance issues.
Surgent's The Complete Trust Workshop
16.00 Credits
Member Price: $279
The use of trusts will continue to undergo changes in the current year. Clients need to be informed why planning is essential in these changing times. The purpose of this course is to explore the many beneficial issues of trusts, an essential element in estate planning. This course gives insights and practical pointers concerning trusts of every shape and size after tax reform. Clients will be eager to review their estate plans in light of recent and proposed legislation.
Surgent's The Essential Multistate Tax Update
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
With the largest overhaul of the federal income tax code in 30 years and the repeal of the physical presence nexus standards for sales tax in the Wayfair case, the states are working fast and furious to overhaul their tax laws. As some states scramble to fund their budgets, they continue to look for additional forms of revenue. Plan to attend this fast-paced class that covers developing topics in state taxation, ranging from individuals to pass-through entities to corporate taxpayers. This class will focus on issues of small and middle-market companies and offer guidance for minimizing tax liability and negotiating the treacherous waters of compliance.
Surgent's The Essential Multistate Tax Update
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
With the largest overhaul of the federal income tax code in 30 years and the repeal of the physical presence nexus standards for sales tax in the Wayfair case, the states are working fast and furious to overhaul their tax laws. As some states scramble to fund their budgets, they continue to look for additional forms of revenue. Plan to attend this fast-paced class that covers developing topics in state taxation, ranging from individuals to pass-through entities to corporate taxpayers. This class will focus on issues of small and middle-market companies and offer guidance for minimizing tax liability and negotiating the treacherous waters of compliance.
Surgent's The Inflation Reduction Act's Changes to Auto and Energy-Related Tax Credits
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) contains many changes to auto and energy-related credits as well as new credits and old credits that have been renamed. For instance, did you know that the IRA brings back a credit for installation of electric car chargers? Many if not most of these credits reduce the cost of individual- and business-related expenses. As a result of the changes brought about by the IRA, tax advisors have a full set of new and reformed credits to understand and explain to their clients. This program covers the mechanics of all the new and revised energy-related credits clients will be asking about, such as credits related to personal autos, energy-efficient commercial vehicles, and household-related utilities and improvements. It will cover the new IRA changes related to electric car credits in detail, including the transition rules applying to clean vehicles purchased after the IRA's August 16, 2022 enactment and their subsequent application in 2023 and thereafter. After attending, practitioners will be able to effectively advise their individual and business clients about these newly available money-saving opportunities. Don't miss this chance to clearly enhance your practice.
Surgent's The Top Five Tax Issues in Dealing with LLCs and Partnerships
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
Partnerships and LLCs involve unique problems that require careful attention. This course covers selected critical tax issues that practitioners need to know when working with partnerships and limited liability companies, with a focus on planning opportunities and pitfalls.
Surgent's This Year's Best Income Tax, Estate Tax, and Financial-Planning Ideas
12.00 Credits
Member Price: $219
With different tax rates for individuals and trusts, tax planning takes on more importance. New legislation increases the importance of generating new ideas for financial planning and saving for retirement. The purpose of this course is to explore practical tax-planning ideas that practitioners can use to assist clients with their needs. This course is crucial for CPAs who are looking for good ideas that can save clients money! Continually updated for legislative developments.
Surgent's This Year's Top Tax and Financial-Planning Ideas
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $79
With tax rates for individuals, estates and trusts changing, tax planning takes on more importance. New ideas for financial planning and retirement must be considered. The purpose of this course is to explore practical tax-planning ideas that practitioners can use to assist clients with their needs. This course is crucial for CPAs who are looking for good ideas that can save clients money! Continually updated for legislative developments.
Surgent's Top 20 Effective Strategies for Avoiding RMD Mistakes and Penalties: Updated for the NEW Proposed RMD Regulation
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Required minimum distributions (RMD) must begin for the year in which the account owner reaches age 72 unless an exception applies. RMDs must also be taken from inherited accounts, and the process for determining RMDs for these accounts is more complex than those that apply to RMDs for non-inherited accounts. Failure to comply with the RMD rules will result in the account owner owing the IRS a 50% excess accumulation penalty on any RMD shortfall. Interested parties must understand the compliance requirements that apply to RMDs to be able to assist in ensuring that penalties are avoided.
Surgent's Top Business Tax Planning Strategies
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
Tax planning for the end of 2023 and for 2024 is largely built upon legislation contained within the Inflation Reduction Act and the SECURE Act 2.0, both enacted in 2022, that offers new planning options for businesses. There are, however, other business tax changes that come from other pieces of legislation, IRS pronouncements of various kinds, and court cases. This program analyzes the new opportunities that these tax changes offer to businesses and their owners.
Surgent's Top Individual Tax Planning Strategies
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and SECURE Act 2.0 both contained tax law changes that impact many individuals in 2023 and in later years. This program covers many of these changes as well as other tax topics that continue to impact individual income taxpayers.
Surgent's Top Ten Questions from Partnership Clients Regarding the Section 754 Election
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129
This program is an in-depth analysis of the Section 754 election and the two adjustments associated with the election under Section 743(b) and Section 734(b). The 754 election is a highly technical provision that provides great tax benefits to the owners of the partnership, and particularly in the case of Section 743(b), a new partner. In this webinar, our expert panel will cover the most common questions encountered by practitioners in their daily practices. The program includes a number of examples that provide insights into the mechanics of the two adjustments that follow upon a Section 754 election.
Surgent's U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations: A Case Study Approach
3.00 Credits
Member Price: $54
This course is a case study designed to provide a comprehensive overview of U.S. taxation of a foreign corporation. Using a specific example, the course will walk through step-by-step mechanics on how to calculate the income inclusions and foreign tax credits under GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income), Subpart F, and PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) regimes. The case study will further evaluate tax impact of subsequent distributions from the foreign corporation and sales of its stock. A compare-and-contrast approach will highlight the different outcomes of these regimes for individuals and for C corporations, empowering participants to advise their clients on the most tax efficient way to structure their international investments.
Surgent's Understanding How the IRS Rewards Whistleblowers
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $89
In 2006, Congress passed the Tax Relief and Health Care Act. Prior to the Act's passage, rewards to individuals who provided information to the IRS regarding tax fraud were capped at $10 million. The Tax Relief and Health Care Act authorized the IRS to create a Whistleblower Office dedicated to investigating, processing and recovering claims concerning the underpayment of taxes. Under the IRS' new program, whistleblowers may recover 15 to 30 percent of the amount collected provided the taxes and amounts in dispute exceed $2 million. If the whistleblower's claim does not meet these criteria, the IRS may still consider granting an award under its pre-2006 Tax Relief Act discretionary authority. Given the rapid growth of this program, practitioners should have a basic understanding of the procedure and content for IRS Whistleblower claims, both from the perspective of a claimant's potential to recover and a taxpayer's exposure to liability.