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2024 Productivity Hacks for Working Remote

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:00pm - 3:06pm


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

In this course, we will share tips and tricks for working remotely.  You will learn what to do/what not to do in a virtual working environment, strategies for leading teams remotely, employee engagement ideas, and techniques and tools for teleworking.

Project Management: Getting the Best Out of Your Team

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:00pm - 4:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

With capacity challenges on the mind of many tax and accounting leaders, finding ways for their teams to work more efficiently is crucial. They need their teams to not be busy, but deliver value, and continue to develop their skills and knowledge. Project Management techniques help uncover inefficiencies and gaps in current processes, as well as, manage the planning and forecasting needed to drive necessary changes for future success. In this session, learn when to incorporate project management best practices that can help you get the best out of your team.

Secure Act 2.0 - Everything that you Need to Know

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:00pm - 4:06pm


2.20 Credits

Member Price: $79

Congress was EXTREMELY busy in late December 2022! During this lame-duck session, Congress was able to pass SECURE 2.0, which is essentially the original SECURE Act that was passed in late 2019.  There are over 50 tax-related provisions within SECURE 2.0 which an advisor needs to be able to master.  This course will provide the participant with everything that that they need to know about SECURE 2.0 so that they will be able to better serve their clients’ retirement planning needs. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Surgent's U.S. Taxation of Foreign Corporations: A Case Study Approach

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:00pm - 5:00pm


3.00 Credits

Member Price: $149

This course is a case study designed to provide a comprehensive overview of U.S. taxation of a foreign corporation. Using a specific example, the course will walk through step-by-step mechanics on how to calculate the income inclusions and foreign tax credits under GILTI (Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income), Subpart F, and PFIC (Passive Foreign Investment Company) regimes. The case study will further evaluate tax impact of subsequent distributions from the foreign corporation and sales of its stock. A compare-and-contrast approach will highlight the different outcomes of these regimes for individuals and for C corporations, empowering participants to advise their clients on the most tax efficient way to structure their international investments.

K2's Best Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint Features

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:00pm - 5:30pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $160

Most professionals routinely use Word, Outlook, and PowerPoint, but many are self-taught and, as a result, have not used many of the best features of these three applications. Consequently, they often use "brute force," inefficient means when working with these three components of Microsoft Office. If that describes you, carve time out of your schedule to participate in this four-hour session. In it, you will learn how to work much more efficiently when using these tools to get better results in less time.

Synchronize Your Files to the Cloud with SharePoint -Updated

Thursday, July 18th,
 2:30pm - 4:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

One of the most cost effective methods for storing your files safely and economically in the cloud is with Microsoft 365 OneDrive and SharePoint apps. If you use either or both of these cloud storage apps, this course is a "must take." There are often times when you want or need cloud based files to be stored on your local laptop or desktop PC. With the OneDrive Sync app, you can have the best of both worlds. You can have copies of a file stored locally and in the cloud simultaneously. The Synch app will update both copies of the file in real time for any changes that are made in the local or cloud copy of the file. A classic example is if you have a QuickBooks Desktop data file that you need to store locally to work with the files in QuickBooks. However, you also want the file stored in the cloud for anytime, anywhere access and enhanced security. The Sync app facilitates this scenario effortlessly. Nationally recognized accounting technology advisor and thought leader, John Higgins, will take you through the step-by-step process of setting up and using the Sync app. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Accounting for Leases

Thursday, July 18th,
 3:00pm - 5:21pm


2.60 Credits

Member Price: $89

In February 2016, FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases, which provides new guidelines that change the accounting for leasing arrangements. To be able to properly account for leases, financial professionals must understand ASU 2016-02 (also referred to as Topic 842). This guidance covers information on how leases should be accounted for. The previous leasing standard (ASC 840) had been in existence for almost 40 years. Under ASC Topic 842, lessors continue to classify leases as operating, direct financing, or sales-type. While lessees now classify leases as operating or financing leases. Previous guidance only required capital leases to be reflected on the BS. The new guidance requires all leases to be reflected on the BS. This is a major change for organizations and will cause their balance sheets to swell as leases must now be disclosed on the balance sheet. The standards original effective dates were prior to 2019. In April 2020, due to COVID-19, FASB voted to defer the effective date for ASC 842 for private companies and certain not-for-profit's for one year. For private companies and private not-for-profits, the leasing standard will be effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2021, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2022. For public companies the leasing standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2019, including interim periods within those fiscal years. The course covers elements of lease classification for both lessees and lessors. Also, numerous examples are incorporated as reference.  

2024 Internal Controls Over Compliance vs Compliance

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 4:56pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Based on an AICPA Enhancing Audit Quality study, 23% of all single audits subject to enhanced oversight were materially non-conforming with professional standards due to failure to properly test controls over compliance.  This course will provide an overview of internal controls over compliance specifically related to Single Audits. We will discuss how to apply the concept of internal controls to various compliance requirements. Additionally, a common finding in the audits of governmental entities receiving federal grants is misidentifying controls and mistaking compliance for a control. That's why this course will also focus on identifying compliance versus controls over compliance.

2024 Design Flexible Work Options To Attract and Retain Your Workforce

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 5:04pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

With increasing competition for finding the best qualified candidates and retaining today’s workforce, it’s more important than ever to consider flexible work options in the workplace. We will review the most popular flexible work options your company could consider implementing: telecommuting, compressed work weeks, flexible hours, phased return from leave of absence, job sharing, early release days, and more! We’ll discuss the benefits of this talent management strategy, including increased productivity, decreased costs, better work-life “integration”, and increased employee engagement and satisfaction. You’ll learn how to propose flexible scheduling to your executive team, including how to logistically roll out this program. Whether you’re in a manufacturing plant, corporate headquarters, or retail industry, you can apply any of these flexible work options to your organization. 

Responding to Retaliation Concerns and Capturing Key Retaliation Case Metrics

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 5:04pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Individuals may cite retaliatory concerns when weighing their decision to report an issue; during an investigation; or, after an investigation’s conclusion. No matter the timing, when an individual raises a retaliation concern, their claims should be taken seriously and fully reviewed. Does your organization analyze retaliation allegations and investigate outcomes as part of their cultural assessment?   Most organizations track retaliation matters at a general, non-specific level. The type of retaliation and the perceived cause of the retaliatory act are not delineated. When a retaliation matter requires investigation, an organization should gather key data points for trending purposes and to fine tune future training and policy initiatives. This course offers recommendations for (1) framing responses to retaliation allegations (2) capturing key data points (3) developing specific metrics for retaliation matters

2024 Risk Assessment and Internal Control

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 5:22pm


1.50 Credits

Member Price: $59

The AICPA has determined that one in ten audit firms are not compliant with the risk assessment standards. This course will discuss how to properly identify risks and assess risk under AU-C 315. We will then review how to respond to identified risks under AU-C 330. The course will focus on the audit risk model and cover both inherent risk and internal controls. We review common deficiencies and how a proper risk assessment drives a more efficient and effective audit. 

2024 Introduction to Ethics and Professional Skepticism

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Ethics and professional skepticism are a cornerstone of public accounting. This course will review the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants that practitioners must adhere to. This course will outline the pressures, opportunities, and rationalizations that lead to instances of fraud. In addition, this class will walk through some interactive examples to illustrate various scenarios of noncompliance during engagements. 

What's New in Excel

Thursday, July 18th,
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Everyone knows that Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet application in the world today. However, because it is ever-changing, many users are unable to keep up with the latest features and capabilities of this ubiquitous application. In this session, we look at some of the most helpful new features and tools that have been added to both the Desktop version of Excel and the Web version. Content like this is valuable to anyone that regularly works with Excel - We hope you will attend! This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Accounting of the Soul: Making the World a Better Place

Thursday, July 18th,
 5:00pm - 6:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

This workshop explores how each of us can play a part in helping to make the world a more fair and gentler place. This one-hour webinar includes an overview of Aristotle's virtue ethics and its application to present day life. We will focus on the virtue of compassion both individually and organizationally and its impact on individual, organizational and world wellbeing. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Accounting and Auditing Update

Thursday, July 18th,
 6:00pm - 10:00pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

The course will start off with a look at the Accounting Standard Updates (ASUs) issued by the FASB that will be effective in 2024 as well as those that may be great for early adoption. The course will also review year 2 issues in lease accounting including how to handle lease modifications. We'll then turn our attention from accounting to auditing where we will cover the audit standards coming down the pike including group audit and quality management. 

The Controllership Series - The Controllers Role in Procurement Function

Thursday, July 18th,
 7:00pm - 8:11pm


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

The procurement function is a critical area of organizations where spend is a top priority. The Controllership function is involved in spend management. It is logical that the Controller should take a role in working with the procurement function. The procurement function may report to various areas within an organization including the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Chief Procurement Officer (CPO), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Chief Financial (CFO) or Accounting Officer (CAO). Regardless of the reporting line of the function, the accounting and controllership functions must have an integral understanding of all processes involved within procurement. This understanding assists the controller and accounting area in properly optimizing and controlling costs associated with the process.  

The Controller Function - Inventory Part 1

Thursday, July 18th,
 7:00pm - 8:39pm


1.80 Credits

Member Price: $59

This course is one of the courses dedicated to our Controllership series. This series of courses is dedicated to exploring the traditional controller role and stepping out of the box to identify areas where the controller can continue to add strategic value to their organizations. Within this segment of our controllership series, we will discuss the area of inventory. This specific segment in the first part of a two-part series on inventory. We explore how the controller can move these responsibilities into more of a strategic role. This course takes a look at some of the typical concepts and duties involved in the inventory function that is sometimes viewed as operational roles. We explore how these areas are strongly tied to the importance of the controllership role and how the controller can add value in each area.    

Ethics for CPAs: The Practical and the Possible

Thursday, July 18th,
 7:00pm - 8:46pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Award winning discussion leader, former AICPA Council Member, and former state accountancy board member Mark Hugh will review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and its interpretations; discuss new developments in regulation at the national and state level; and discuss examples of best practices, case studies, and disciplinary actions.

Tax Power Ethics for Tax Professionals

Thursday, July 18th,
 7:00pm - 8:47pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Award winning discussion leader, former state accountancy board chair, and lifelong tax practitioner Mark Hugh will review ethics for tax professionals: the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and interpretations; the Statements on Standards for Tax Services; tax preparer standards in the Internal Revenue Code; the rules for practice with and before the IRS, including IRS Circular 230; new developments; and discuss examples of best practices and case studies.

Building Your Personal Net Worth: Invest in Your Future

Thursday, July 18th,
 7:00pm - 9:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

By the nature of our work and training, financial professionals have more personal finance knowledge than the general population. However, sometimes we spend so much time planning our company's future that we neglect or defer taking steps to build our own personal net worth. If you are dissatisfied about the speed that you are accumulating savings, this session will help put you on the right track. Even if you are meeting your goals, this session will provide insights and ideas which will add to and reinforce what you may already be doing.