
Resources for Accounting Classrooms
We start promoting the accounting profession and the CPA credential at the high school level in a number of ways:
Extensive information on majoring in accounting.
- Our popular Accounting is My Major (AIM) careers conferences held for high school students at college campuses each fall.
- Classroom resources and more information on the ThisWayToCPA and Accounting+ websites.

Career Speakers and Presentations
We love to come to your school or campus for career fairs, accounting club presentations, or accounting classes, with a variety of available presentations from CTCPA staff or working CPAs:
- Majoring in accounting and accounting career options.
- Becoming a CPA in Connecticut.
- CTCPA membership for college students.
To learn more, contact April DiFalco at

Scholarships and Grants
The CTCPA Accounting Scholarship Foundation aims to help tomorrow's CPAs today by providing financial help including:
- Scholarships for high school students.
- Scholarships for undergraduate students and CPA candidates.
- Grants for college accounting departments and clubs.

Graduate or Undergraduate Accounting Program Marketing
Attract top-notch go-getters to your program by sponsoring a new and young professionals event or advertising in the CTCPA's Guide to Becoming a CPA in Connecticut or Connecticut CPA magazine.
To learn more, contact Cindy Panioto at

CTCPA Membership
From camaraderie and career speakers to professional development, idea sharing and classroom resources, the CTCPA supports high school and college educators.
CPAs as well as non-certified full-time accounting faculty meeting eligibility requirements are welcome to enjoy the many benefits of CTCPA membership.

Connections With Other Educators
All accounting faculty members at two- and four-year colleges and universities in Connecticut are invited to join our Educators FOOD ("For Our Own Development") Group. The group meets several times per year to discuss trends, opportunities, and more - and the CTCPA Connect online community is available for online discussion 24/7.