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Accountants face up to the cost of cloud app stacks

August 15, 2023

A recent rise in software fees has sparked debate among practice owners about how the cost of multiple, interconnecting cloud applications should be packaged and presented to clients, whether price hikes should be passed on and when this should happen.

  • business and industry
  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

Flexibility and financial security are not negotiable, Gen Z says

August 11, 2023

Work/life balance is imperative to attract and retain younger workers. New research shows business leaders aren’t as enthusiastic about flexible working as employees are.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

Experiential Learning: An Evolution in How Knowledge Is Obtained by Prospective CPAs

August 10, 2023

No policy issue has dominated the accounting profession over the past several decades as much as accountant education – specifically, the 150-hour education requirement.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

Investing in generative AI is a balance between risk and reward

August 09, 2023

A recent global survey from McKinsey found that leaders are looking to increase AI-related investments, but less than half have planned for the organisational risks involved.

  • business and industry
  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

The cost of running a practice over four years

July 24, 2023

Running an accounting firm needs constant attention as tech prices and client specifications change constantly. Practice owner Alex Falcon Huerta lays out her current tech stack and how her costs and priorities have evolved.

  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

The value of disruption

July 24, 2023

With so much disruption being thrust upon them, you'd think the last thing accounting firms would want to do is to disrupt themselves — yet that may be exactly what they need to do, says Bob Lewis of The Visionary Group.

  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

AI and automation: Augmentation, not replacement

July 18, 2023

While technology undoubtedly speeds up some of the more time-consuming aspects of accounting work, it is not a magic solution to the skills shortage. Jonathan Bareham, director of Raedan, says human expertise remains essential in building a successful firm.

  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

Inclusion advice: Start with allyship

June 28, 2023

A new report shows "disproportionate challenges” for LGBT+ employees, shares inclusion advice for organisations.

  • business and industry
  • diversity
  • practice management

In one minute, this simple tool could save practitioners hours

June 26, 2023

A few clicks of the mouse could save practitioners a ton of time by assisting them in determining whether they need to apply the requirements of AR-C Section 70, Preparation of Financial Statements, when their bookkeeping or accounting services result in financial statements.

  • practice management
  • federal tax

5 Trends to Know About Today's Multigenerational Workforce

June 22, 2023

Today's workforce is made up of four distinct generations. Understanding what motivates each of them can help companies more effectively recruit, manage and retain strong teams.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

Pilot program set to help all stakeholders along the talent pipeline

June 21, 2023

The 150-hour education requirement for CPA licensure has become a target for some who see it as an easy way to ease the talent pipeline issues facing the profession.

  • career resources
  • practice management
  • advocacy - federal

Why accounting firms need a strong strategic plan

June 20, 2023

Failure to plan is planning for failure. That adage rings especially true for accounting firms in these modern times. Buffeted by hurricane force winds of change, firms must ponder how to proceed through uncharted, unsettled waters.

  • practice management

Why a good website is essential for your practice

June 19, 2023

A good website that meets client expectations is fundamental for accountants and bookkeepers in 2023. It’s a way to generate and convert leads, a place for existing clients to access knowledge and support, and a modern-day equivalent to ‘word of mouth’.

  • practice management

Succession: Why it should be on accountants' minds

June 15, 2023

Passing your practice on to the next generation sounds easy, but far too often, accountants bury their heads in the sand rather than planning for the future of their firm and their colleagues.

  • career resources
  • practice management

How To Recruit Employees: Creative Employee Recruitment Strategies

June 13, 2023

A new or growing business may need to devise creative recruitment strategies to reach the most qualified individuals. In today's labor market, many small and medium-sized businesses face additional hiring challenges thanks to recent inflation and economic fluctuations, which have created uncertainty for both employers and job seekers.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

The skills crunch: How did it get so bad?

June 13, 2023

From the great resignation to quiet quitting and the lost generation of talent, a perfect storm has capsized the profession’s attempts to solve the skills shortage. While there is hope, it’s not going to be easy.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

3 Ways CFOs Can Drive a Cohesive Company Culture

June 08, 2023

Here’s how CFOs can use their unique skill set to play an active role in strengthening company culture.

  • business and industry
  • career resources
  • practice management

AI won't take your job, But someone using AI might

June 07, 2023

ChatGPT is the latest in a very long line of artificial intelligence (AI) advancements to result in much scaremongering.

  • business and industry
  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity

Tactics to manage and resolve workplace conflict

June 07, 2023

Framing conversations, using emotional intelligence, and bringing in a mediator if needed can help resolve business workplace conflict.

  • business and industry
  • practice management

Accounting giants join AI investment rush

June 06, 2023

Thanks to the hoopla surrounding ChatGPT and other generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools, private and public investors are caught up in a funding frenzy recently characterised by the FT as “the latest Californian gold rush”.

  • business and industry
  • practice management
  • technology and cybersecurity