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Board Treasurer Needed

Date Posted

May 22, 2024

CTC is looking for a treasurer to monitor the overall financial health of the council and notify the Executive Committee and board of directors of possible areas of concern. This is a volunteer board officer position. The treasurer will work with the board chair and executive committee (board officers), the executive director, program coordinator and bookkeeper (all contractor positions). The board meets quarterly and the executive committee – biweekly (virtual meetings, to transition to monthly in 2024). Current revenue streams are membership dues, event fees and sponsorships. The organization currently operates on a cash basis.

Time Commitment is an estimated 1-5 hours/week.

Responsibilities include:

  • Quarterly financial statement preparation (Excel)
  • Quarterly Board Meeting financial status presentations (PowerPoint)
  • Quarterly state tax filings; sales tax & withholding (Online, state website)
  • Oversee third-party bookkeeper.
  • Approve all outgoing AP payments.
  • Manage QuickBooks accounting system (Cloud-based website and app)
  • Manage cash and banking system (Webster Bank)
  • Oversee third-party accounting firm in conjunction with annual income tax filings (send financials and board member listing via excel, approve final return)
  • Attend EC Board Meetings
  • Ad-hoc financial reports at members’ request

About the organization: CTC is a 501C-6 statewide membership trade association focused on uniting and growing Connecticut’s technology community by providing valuable opportunities to connect and share knowledge and best practices. CTC has a diverse network of technology companies, service providers, educational institutions, government partners and nonprofit organizations.