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Showing 14739 Partner Webinars Results

New Mergers and Acquisitions: Tricks, Traps, and Terrors

Monday, October 21st,
 12:00pm - 3:47pm


4.20 Credits

Member Price: $129

Welcome to a course that makes the process of M&A easy to understand and easy to implement within your organization or your clients' organization. The course will provide an intensive overview of the M&A process. Focus will be on practical techniques to guide you through the M&A jungle and avoid the traps that have befallen many organizations.

2024 Estate and Financial Planning for the Older Client

Monday, October 21st,
 12:00pm - 8:00pm


8.00 Credits

Member Price: $225

Enter the complex world of elder planning with this comprehensive course tailored for financial professionals. Gain invaluable insights into estate and financial strategies designed specifically for older clients, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to address their unique needs and challenges. Throughout the course, participants will explore a wide range of topics, from understanding the complexities of Medicare and various life insurance types to navigating Social Security considerations and exploring Medicaid planning details. With a focus on practical application, attendees will learn to customize estate planning strategies, explore housing and care alternatives, and address gifting complexities relevant to older clients. By the end of the program, you'll develop expertise in executing specialized planning requirements for mature clients, ensuring you're well-prepared to provide informed counsel and support in this important aspect of financial practice. Join us and enhance your knowledge in estate and financial planning for the older client today.

Leadershift Ethics: Things Must Change!

Monday, October 21st,
 1:00pm - 3:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

With the rapid pace of change, change now happens daily in business and our personal lives. It can be difficult to navigate change when right and wrong get a bit fuzzy. New processes, new technology, new circumstances and new impacts to people must be measured and decisions made as the change evolves. Change always becomes something different than what was originally planned or imagined. In this session, learn how to measure your ethics through change. You will learn how to filter everything you do during change through a simple litmus test. Through the power of story, you will learn from the lessons of other organizations and their ethical mistakes. Lastly, you will take away what is required to manage yourself so that when ethical decisions arise, you have the mental capacity to manage through it well. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Food, Beverage, and Entertainment Expensing

Monday, October 21st,
 1:00pm - 3:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

The IRS has issued final regulations regarding the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act's (TCJA) elimination of the deduction for expenditures related to entertainment, amusement, or recreational activities and provided guidance to determine whether an activity is considered to be entertainment. The final regulations also address the 50% limitation on the deduction of food and beverage expenses and when the 50% limitation does not apply. Due to the pandemic, Congress changed the rules for 2021 and 2022 to allow for 100% deductibility for meals. These temporary rules no longer applied starting in 2023. To effectively advise clients, it is imperative for tax practitioners to understand these rules and be updated on the latest IRS guidance related to meals and entertainment.

Microsoft Outlook "Must Know" Email Tips

Monday, October 21st,
 1:30pm - 3:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

If you use Outlook on a daily basis to process your email, chances are pretty good that you are missing out on a lot of opportunities to improve your efficiency in composing, processing and organizing your messages. There are many different features in Outlook that often get overlooked, even though we are working in the app all day, every day. John Higgins, a strategic advisor to the profession on Microsoft 365 deployment, will review numerous tips and features to improve your productivity in Outlook. You will learn many time-saving, practical ways to improve the quality of your email message. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Current Issues in Accounting and Auditing: An Annual Update

Monday, October 21st,
 1:30pm - 5:00pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $159

Designed for accounting and attestation practitioners at all levels in both public accounting and business and industry, this course provides a detailed review of SAS No. 145 and brings you up to date on FASB and AICPA standards issued over the past few years. The course also provides many hands-on examples and illustrations to help apply the guidance in practice and discusses other important A&A practice matters to be aware of, including an update on peer review and audit quality.

Surgent's Data Security: Best Practices to Protect Your Business and Yourself

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 3:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $59

Data security is a front-of-mind topic for most businesses because the risk and cost statistics are sobering. Each of us is in the crosshairs because a typical internet-connected computer faces a cyberattack every 39 seconds. Businesses of all sizes should be cognizant of the ethical issues that must be considered when planning their approach to privacy and data security. In this webinar, we will explore both the risks we have traditionally faced in the workplace personally, as well as the novel set of data privacy threats and compliance challenge issues employers face with a remote and mobile workforce.

HR Guide to Evolving Business Strategy, Finance and Development

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 3:08pm


1.20 Credits

Member Price: $39

To move beyond the HR realm it is essential for HR professionals to understand planning at the strategic and tactical level. This session is designed to help HR professionals understand the overall strategic planning process so they can contribute at the executive level.

Relationship Between Ethics, Morality, and the Law

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 3:41pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $85

Many people use morals and ethics interchangeably. The concept of law is quite another topic. In order to properly understand ethical concepts, it is important to understand the concepts of morality and the law. The definition of morals will reference ethics in a circular definition; same goes for ethics. But ethics represents an innate knowledge of right/wrong distinctions. Ethics transcends culture, religion, and time.   Morality is defined as having and living per a moral code, or principles of right and wrong.  Basic morality condemns murder, adultery, lying and stealing. Ethics explores the idea of morality and its place in society and addresses questions about morality. The law is based on principles and regulations established in a community by some authority and applicable to its people.   This course evaluates these concepts and put them in a business context.

Are You Qualified? The Ethics of Practice Development and Skill Enhancement

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 3:50pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

For an accounting practice or career to thrive, it must grow and develop. But what about the "Catch-22" of practice development: expertise at anything new requires experience, and experience cannot be attained while you are a non-expert! Or can it? This workshop looks at some of the more popular pathways to practice development (e.g., cybersecurity, client advisory services and cannabis) and considers the drawbacks of reaching too far, too fast.

Conflicts of Interest: Dealing With Ethical Dilemmas in Business and Industry

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 4:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Ethics is complicated, and conflicts of interest are more complicated. What are the various issues involved with conflicts of interest?  What does the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct say? We will discuss several seemingly ordinary, everyday conflicts of interest and how we should be more aware that conflicts of interest are common. We will discuss the ethical priorities of a CPA and how to apply them. What should you do when facing a conflict of interest?  What is the ‘secret weapon’ to help mitigate conflicts of interest?  The key to our profession remaining relevant is to maintain trust. Come and learn more about conflicts of interest and how we all can be even more trustworthy.     

Improve Spreadsheets by Building Controls in Excel

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 4:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

In today's data-driven world, spreadsheets serve as the backbone of business and personal productivity. However, creating complex and error-prone spreadsheets can lead to critical mistakes and inefficiencies. This course aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools to build robust spreadsheets, implementing a range of controls and safeguards to ensure data integrity, streamline processes, and maximize accuracy. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Business Longevity - Is Your Business Wobbling?

Monday, October 21st,
 2:00pm - 5:42pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Almost 50% of businesses that started five years ago are no longer in operation today. Controllers and CFOs can and must influence the longevity of their organization to improve their success rate.  Jim will help you be aware and understand the answers to these issues: Can you describe the financial health of your company? Can you also explain what the financial health of your industry is? Do you know your Business Cycle compared to the industry business cycle? Do you have an executable plan? Do you know what the competitive, legal and technological landscape is currently, and for the future? Is your organization aligned and incentivize to be successful? Jim has developed his groundbreaking Business Longevity concept as a keynote and a workshop, and would be happy to speak to your organization on this topic. This session will focus on assessment (financial health, competitive environment), determination (effective business planning, including the future landscape), and execution (gettin’ it done!)

Communication Skills for Introverts

Monday, October 21st,
 2:30pm - 4:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

In today's technology-driven world, success in business depends upon your ability to translate data into information, communicate with anyone, and present ideas powerfully, whether it's one-on-one or in the boardroom. This fast-paced and interactive session covers specific techniques in three critical areas: listening, writing, and presenting. Learn about the hard skills involved in the softer side of leadership. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

2024 Performance Auditing Made Easy

Monday, October 21st,
 3:00pm - 4:24pm


1.50 Credits

Member Price: $69

Unlike a traditional financial audit objective (Are the financial statements materially misstated), performance auditing can address a wide variety of objectives.  Is this program working? Can it be improved? Where can we save money? How can we operate more efficiently and effectively? Are management’s assertions supported? And so forth.  This session will explain what a performance audit is, describe the applicable standards, and provide examples that indicate the value of a performance audit.  Performance audits can add value to any entity and practitioners can profit from adding these assurance services to their practices.

Electronic Audit Evidence in Employee Benefit Plans

Monday, October 21st,
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

A significant amount of information is electronically initiated, recorded, processed, or reported and information to be used as audit evidence may be available only in electronic form. During this session, we will look at different types of information commonly presented to an auditor during the audit of an employee benefit plan and identify considerations for auditors when evaluating information to be used as audit evidence. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Managing the Accounting Department

Monday, October 21st,
 4:00pm - 7:42pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Welcome to a management course that helps CFOs and Controllers lead the Accounting Department. It is essential that the Accounting Department have a Vision which is aligned with the Business goals. Controllers must also be comfortable with wearing multiple 'hats' in the business. The head of the Accounting Department must be skilled in a variety of leadership skills, technical skills, managerial skills and current management techniquest.

IRS Highly Effective Penalty Relief Strategies

Monday, October 21st,
 5:00pm - 6:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

You are likely familiar with the various forms of penalty relief (reasonable cause, administrative remedies, and first-time penalty relief), BUT can you apply this and consistently expect a favorable outcome? This program will focus on crafting a well-executed request for penalty relief, along with exploring a lesser-known option which can be employed as an effective case resolution tool. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Setting a New Standard for Quality: Practical Guidance to Implement the AICPA's New Quality Management Standards

Monday, October 21st,
 5:00pm - 6:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

The AICPA issued new Quality Management Standards that require all accounting firms that perform audit, review, compilation, attestation, and agreed-upon procedures engagements to comply with the enhanced Quality Management Standards by December 15, 2025. The most significant change in the new Quality Management Standards is the requirement that firms identify and assess quality risks specific to their practices and then design and implement responses to each identified quality risk. This program will help you understand the new Quality Management Standards, provide practical guidance for adoption, and respond to the requirements of the new Quality Management Standards.

Determining Reasonable Compensation for Owner Employees

Tuesday, October 22nd,
 9:00am - 10:00am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

This session will expand on methodologies to employ when owner-employee compensation is at issue. The session will focus on determinations of reasonable replacement compensation for individuals who both provide services to a closely held business or professional practice and also have an ownership stake in the enterprise. Executive Compensation in the form of options and restricted stock will also be covered in the context of marital dissolution proceedings. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.