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The Controller Function - Inventory Part 2 - Valuation, Inventory Methods and Inventory Fraud

Friday, September 6th,
 3:00pm - 4:22pm


1.50 Credits

Member Price: $59

This course is one of the courses dedicated to our Controllership Series. This series of courses is dedicated to exploring the traditional controller role and stepping out of the box to identify areas where the controller can continue to add strategic value to their organizations. Within this segment of our controllership series, we continue our discussion on inventory from segment one. This specific segment focuses on areas of inventory valuation, the types of physical inventory methods, and inventory fraud. These areas are critical for the controller to have a strong comprehension of and also participate in the development of policies and procedures.      

K2's 2023 Top Ten Outlook Tips

Friday, September 6th,
 3:00pm - 4:47pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Using Outlook for email management is routine for most business professionals these days. But unfortunately, using this tool for so long may cause some to perpetuate bad practices and habits when working in Outlook and exploring new options Outlook offers. In this session, you will discover ten valuable tips to take you to the next level of your email and work management.

Leadershift Ethics: Things Must Change!

Friday, September 6th,
 3:00pm - 5:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

With the rapid pace of change, change now happens daily in business and our personal lives. It can be difficult to navigate change when right and wrong get a bit fuzzy. New processes, new technology, new circumstances and new impacts to people must be measured and decisions made as the change evolves. Change always becomes something different than what was originally planned or imagined. In this session, learn how to measure your ethics through change. You will learn how to filter everything you do during change through a simple litmus test. Through the power of story, you will learn from the lessons of other organizations and their ethical mistakes. Lastly, you will take away what is required to manage yourself so that when ethical decisions arise, you have the mental capacity to manage through it well. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's Automating Your Tax Practice

Friday, September 6th,
 3:00pm - 6:38pm


4.00 Credits

Member Price: $129

Automating the tax practice is – or should be – a major initiative of almost all public accounting firms today. From ingesting data, processing returns, distributing draft and final copies, and billing and collecting fees, practitioners have outstanding opportunities to automate their tax practice. Those that choose to automate will experience the benefits of reduced staff turnover, increased productivity and efficiency, fewer errors, and improved cash flow. Participate in this session to learn the “how’s and why’s” of automating your tax practice. This session includes critical topics such as hardware and software options, workflows, and security and privacy issues. Plan to join us in this session to position your tax practice for greater success! 

Section 174: New Rules for Research and Experimentation

Friday, September 6th,
 3:30pm - 4:30pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

This program addresses the most recent developments impacting taxpayers incurring research and experimentation costs. Emphasis will be placed on compliance with the 2022 change in Section 174 Amortization of research and experimental expenditures. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Leverage to Create Data Analysis for Others

Friday, September 6th,
 3:30pm - 5:30pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Unlock the full potential of data analytics with our specialized course, "Leverage to Create Data Analysis for Others". This two-hour, intensive training is specifically designed to empower professionals in harnessing the powerful features of Microsoft Whether you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, or someone keen on mastering data visualization and report creation, this course is your gateway to becoming a proficient Power BI user. Dive into the dynamic world of data analytics and learn to transform raw data into visually compelling stories that drive decision-making. Our expertly crafted program offers a deep dive into the essentials of, starting with a comprehensive tour of its interface and core concepts. You'll gain experience in connecting to diverse data sources, creating stunning visualizations, and building interactive dashboards that communicate insights effectively. The course also covers the innovative Q&A feature of, allowing you to explore data with natural language queries. By mastering the art of sharing datasets, reports, and dashboards, and creating comprehensive apps, you'll be equipped to deliver top-tier data analysis solutions to colleagues and clients alike. Through this course, attendees will gain a deep understanding of how to leverage the platform to disseminate datasets, reports, and dashboards, catering to the specific needs of their audience. Our course is tailored for those who aspire to lead in the data-driven landscape, offering not just theoretical knowledge but real-world applications. Upon completion, participants will not only have a thorough understanding of but also the confidence to apply this tool in creating impactful data analysis for diverse audiences. Join us to elevate your professional skillset, make data-driven decisions with ease, and add a valuable credential to your portfolio. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

The Controllership Series - Overhead, Direct and Indirect Costs and Allocation Methods

Friday, September 6th,
 4:00pm - 4:58pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Managing expenses is a key for business success, and overhead costs play a pivotal role in realizing favorable profit margins. Almost all companies have some form of overhead consisting of specific categories of indirect expenses. The better organizations are able to manage overhead costs, the more competitive they are in the marketplace. It is incumbent in the Controller’s role to effectively manage, monitor and perform ongoing assessment of overhead costs, allocations and rates. Overhead refers to the ongoing business expenses not directly attributed to creating a product or service. A company must pay overhead on an ongoing basis, regardless of how much or how little the company sells. It is important for budgeting purposes but also for determining how much a company must charge for its products or services to make a profit. Overhead can be fixed, variable, or a hybrid of both. There are different categories of overhead, such as administrative overhead, which includes costs related to managing a business. In short, overhead is any expense incurred to support the business while not being directly related to a specific product or service.      

Enact Retaliation Abatement and Monitoring Measures

Friday, September 6th,
 4:00pm - 5:02pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Once an employee decides to report an issue, the risk for retaliation must be minimized. Metrics matter. As such, capturing and reviewing employee data for indicators of possible retaliation are key to protecting those who report. The more subtle forms of retaliation, though, require a focused communication plan to address. This course offers recommendations for implementing specific retaliation monitoring protocols.

Defining Where and Why Internal Controls are Needed

Friday, September 6th,
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $89

Most organizations have many of the basic controls required to operate in place. However, a notable percentage of these companies do not have important measures that can help enhance security, productivity, and the quality of information available for decision making. In this session, we work to identify areas where important internal control measures are needed. We spend time explaining why these controls should be created, and show in detail some specific controls that would be beneficial if utilized. Those wishing to strengthen an internal control system should strongly consider attending this session. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2024 Accessing Your Company's Data with Power Query and Power BI

Friday, September 6th,
 4:00pm - 6:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $79

Power Query and Power BI offer great opportunities for accessing your data and making it more useful in reporting scenarios. Learn how to benefit from these tools in this session.

K2's 2023 Understanding Your Ransomware Risk

Friday, September 6th,
 5:00pm - 5:57pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

Protecting yourself from ransomware requires more than just anti-virus software. Additional technology protections are necessary. Further, business continuity, legal and regulatory, and cybersecurity insurance considerations should all be a part of your risk abatement strategy. Attend this session to determine if your current level of ransomware protection reduces your risk to an acceptable and identify ways to ensure that you are protected.

Teaching CPAs to be Better Thinkers

Friday, September 6th,
 5:00pm - 6:00pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $55

Designed especially for CPAs, this class is a practical call to action that provides CPAs with the tools and inspiration they need to be better thinkers. You'll learn habits and strategies you can use every day to dramatically improve judgment and decision-making. You'll learn how to break down mental barriers and alleviate mental fatigue. You'll achieve new levels of mental clarity, flexibility, and resilience. You will also benefit from better overall mental well-being and be more resistant to stress and burnout. Attendees leave as more powerful and confident thinkers and better communicators and problem-solvers. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Small HR Team, Big Impact: 3 Employee Engagement Strategies for Lean HR Departments

Saturday, September 7th,
 9:00am - 10:03am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

In the modern corporate landscape, the challenge for lean HR departments isn't just managing administrative tasks—it's about curating a meaningful and enriching employee journey. Small HR teams are uniquely poised to offer a level of personalization and touch that larger departments might struggle to replicate. These compact teams have the potential to craft individualized experiences, ensuring that each step of an employee's journey, from onboarding to advancement, resonates deeply and positively. Yet, knowing the potential and harnessing it are two distinct tasks. This session provides attendees with a deep dive into three transformative engagement strategies tailored for lean HR environments. By placing the employee journey at the heart of these strategies, HR professionals can ensure every interaction, every milestone, and every touchpoint is optimized for engagement, satisfaction, and growth. Discover methods that don't just streamline processes, but elevate the entire employee experience, creating a lasting impact on both individual careers and the organization's culture.

Surgent's Individual and Financial-Planning Tax Camp

Saturday, September 7th,
 9:00am - 5:00pm


8.00 Credits

Member Price: $299

Each year brings its own set of tax planning challenges, and this year is no exception. This course aims to arm tax planners with planning strategies and ideas that all clients, but in particular, wealthy clients, middle-income clients, and closely held business owners need to consider right now to take advantage of present opportunities and plan for future tax advantages. Learn strategies that can really have an impact on client lives, while also bringing value to you and your firm. This material is continuously updated for recent legislation impacting individual taxpayers.

Securing Executive Buy-In for Your Initiatives: Communication Techniques to Persuade Decision-Makers

Saturday, September 7th,
 10:00am - 11:05am


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

For HR and Business professionals, navigating the intricate dynamics of executive decision-making can often be a daunting task. Despite the meticulous hours invested in research, strategy formulation, and planning, the true challenge often lies in effectively communicating and gaining acceptance for these transformative ideas. A key aspect of this is the art of persuasion, ensuring that the merits of our proposals are not just understood but wholeheartedly embraced by decision-makers. This session is designed to empower leaders with the tools and insights needed to craft persuasive pitches, build a robust business case, and confidently communicate the ROI of their initiatives. Moreover, attendees will gain insights into the common pitfalls that can hinder their pitches and learn techniques to address objections frequently raised by executive leadership.

The Controller Function - Inventory Part 1

Saturday, September 7th,
 10:00am - 11:39am


1.80 Credits

Member Price: $59

This course is one of the courses dedicated to our Controllership series. This series of courses is dedicated to exploring the traditional controller role and stepping out of the box to identify areas where the controller can continue to add strategic value to their organizations. Within this segment of our controllership series, we will discuss the area of inventory. This specific segment in the first part of a two-part series on inventory. We explore how the controller can move these responsibilities into more of a strategic role. This course takes a look at some of the typical concepts and duties involved in the inventory function that is sometimes viewed as operational roles. We explore how these areas are strongly tied to the importance of the controllership role and how the controller can add value in each area.    

Surgent's Comparing and Contrasting Retirement Plans for Small- and Medium-Sized Businesses

Saturday, September 7th,
 10:00am - 12:00pm


2.00 Credits

Member Price: $99

Clients often ask their tax advisors whether they have the "best" pension plan and whether they are using it to its maximum advantage. This program explains how various pension plans work and analyzes why a small or medium-sized business owner would choose one plan over another.

A Practical Guide to Trusts

Saturday, September 7th,
 10:00am - 5:47pm


8.00 Credits

Member Price: $225

This course provides in-depth information to enable the practitioner to make a well-informed decision as to whether a trust is the appropriate vehicle for a client’s financial, estate, and/or asset protection plan, and, if so, how the trust can best be implemented and operated. Participants will learn about the many different types of trusts that can be harnessed to save clients income, estate, generation-skipping, and other taxes, at both the federal and state level.

The Education Advantage: Strategies for Boosting Employee Retention and Engagement

Saturday, September 7th,
 11:00am - 12:02pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

In the dynamic landscape of modern workplaces, the ability to retain top talent and foster employee engagement is a key determinant of organizational success. "The Education Advantage" is a one-hour program designed to help HR professionals, employers and employees understand: Turnover Costs Cost of Disengaged Employees Professional Development as a Strategic Imperative Employer Hesitations How to Embrace Professional Development Initiatives Types of Educational Opportunities This one-hour session is ideal for HR professionals, managers, and organizational leaders seeking tangible solutions to elevate employee engagement and retention through strategic professional development. Elevate your workforce and organizational success with "The Education Advantage."

Defending Your Workplace Culture: Tackling the 4 Biggest Threats to Your Team Engagement and Cohesion

Saturday, September 7th,
 11:00am - 12:04pm


1.00 Credits

Member Price: $39

In today's dynamic business environment, preserving a unified and engaged team culture is more challenging than ever. As the rhythm of work accelerates and organizational structures evolve, silent threats can begin to undermine our established team dynamics. These undercurrents, if left unaddressed, can erode morale, dampen productivity, and weaken the team's cohesion. This session offers a deep dive into strategies that can help identify, address, and neutralize these challenges, ensuring a positive, resilient, and inclusive workplace culture. Attendees will be equipped with a blend of insights and actionable strategies, enabling them to both recognize and respond to these potential pitfalls.