Professional Development and Event Catalog
Preparing for and Conducting Discharge Meetings
10:00am - 11:10am
1.20 Credits
Member Price: $39

Over 80% of all employment-related lawsuits relate to termination. Every termination should be treated as a potential lawsuit. The facts supporting a leader's recommendation of discharge must be fully investigated. The discharge of an employee requires prior review and approval. Narrow self-interest, spite, or personal animosity must not play a part in making termination decisions. This course provides practical knowledge and scripts for handling discharges with good judgment such that personal and employer liability is avoided.
Maintaining a Harmonious Working Environment
10:00am - 11:16am
1.20 Credits
Member Price: $39

A harmonious working environment is one in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected. Critical to maintaining it are that employees have high self-esteem, are treated with respect, and work in a safe, non-violent setting. This course provides practical knowledge and scripts on how to take appropriate action and deal effectively with discriminatory comments, sexual harassment, and threats and acts of violence,such that personal and employer liability is avoided.
Balancing Employee and Employer Rights
10:00am - 11:21am
1.40 Credits
Member Price: $39

Leaders have the right to exercise customary management functions. Employees have the right to be kept free from discrimination. Neither employer rights nor employee rights are absolute. The courts are equally protective of the rights of employees and employers. A courtroom is the wrong place for anyone to find this out. This course provides practical knowledge on how to effectively balancing these two sets of rights, such that employees and leaders stay out of court. Employers avoid lawsuits, rather than win lawsuits.
Why Can't We All Just Get Along? Understanding and Appreciating Our Differences
11:00am - 12:06pm
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

Do you often hear people complaining about coworkers or other departments? Do you have talented people with the right skills who struggle to collaborate and cooperate as a team? You’re not alone. This can be a common situation when people’s values, beliefs and their approach to solving problems differ. The key is to help everyone understand that our differences aren't bad – they’re interesting and extremely valuable. In this course, Tina guides you through tools and activities you can use to help your people (and yourself) broaden their perspective so they can more easily cooperate, collaborate, and communicate with the people around them. This program explores ways to help them connect, from personality assessments to team building activities. When coworkers or team-members understand each other better, it's easier to appreciate their differences.
6 Practical Strategies To Promote Diversity and Inclusion In Your Workplace
12:00pm - 1:07pm
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

Although organizations are trying to create and manage diverse and inclusive workplaces, many are not aware of some of the best practices and simple strategies they can incorporate to promote such an environment. We are currently living in unprecedented times. Division, bias, and exclusion, based on factors associated with social injustice and a general lack of appreciation for diversity, seems to have become our current societal norm. With the high stress and anxiety created by these current trends in society, it is even more important for organizations to provide a safe space for their employees where there is a genuine sense of belonging and fair access to opportunity. The goal of this course is to outline the relationship between diversity and inclusion, while providing very practical strategies for HR Professionals in their role to promote a culture of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
Coaching and Counseling - Performance Management
12:00pm - 1:07pm
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

The tools for managing performance and addressing misconduct are not identical. The failure to point this out to leaders has often resulted in the use of the wrong tool. Reinforcing good performance and securing improvements in performance requires skill in coaching employees, making effective requests, and providing effective feedback This course provides practical knowledge and scripts for setting, communicating, and enforcing performance expectations, such that personal and employer liability is avoided.
Tired of Feeling Drained by Complainers? Build Your Immunity to People's Negativity
1:00pm - 2:03pm
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

Do you ever get tired of other people's complaining and negativity? How can you stay calm, upbeat, and motivated despite other people’s grumpiness, rudeness, or pessimism? This program is all about helping you be your best. Even though you may not be able to change your colleagues, customers, or even your boss, you can reduce your stress and frustration by changing how you respond. Staying positive and calm is easier when you learn how to build your immunity. This course teaches you Tina’s proprietary five-step “Immunity to Negativity Formula™”. You’ll learn simple techniques for staying calm and choosing to respond as your best self. This is a key skill you can build for yourself so you can enjoy less stress and frustration. You can even teach others so they can improve customer service, teamwork, and relationships within your company.
Ethics: Critical Thinking, Case Studies and Fraud
1:00pm - 4:30pm
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $225

While ethics training is required by many states, the true value of the CPA license is in understanding how critically important ethical behavior is to one another, our customers, and to the public. This course will explore the basic tenets of ethical behavior and use case studies to explore ethical dilemmas in various companies and organizations, with special focus on the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and AU-C Section 315.
Coaching and Counseling - Addressing Misconduct
2:00pm - 3:13pm
1.20 Credits
Member Price: $39

The objective of corrective action is to change conduct through teaching. Corrective action may be sequential, out of order, repetitive, or not appropriate to take at all. The action selected should reflect the type, frequency, and severity of the misconduct. Changing conduct through teaching requires effective employee relations skills. This course provides practical knowledge and scripts for handling a wide array of sensitive misconduct situations with good judgment, such that personal and employer liability is avoided.
Keys to Building an Inclusive and Culturally Competent Workplace: A Guide for HR Professionals and Business Owners
2:00pm - 3:50pm
1.80 Credits
Member Price: $79

HR Professionals are business leaders who, regardless of their level of experience, are responsible for maintaining a high level of interpersonal proficiency in their job function. The willingness to gain a genuine understanding and respect for diversity and the incorporation of a safe and inclusive environment of employees in the workplace, is a strong measure of the HR Professionals’ efficacy in this area. This training is geared towards improving and/ or elevating the HR Professionals’ knowledge of cultural competence in the workplace and what it means to truly adopt a culture of diversity and inclusivity. When HR professionals take responsibility for teaching others about the differences and benefits that multiple cultures and diverse backgrounds bring to the organization, research shows that companies are more likely to win top talent and yield improvement in customer orientation, employee satisfaction and decision making, as well as a cycle of increasing returns.
Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 8: Dynamic Headers, Mapping Tables and Error Check
2:00pm - 4:00pm
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $118

The Excel for Accounting Professionals webcast series concludes by applying many of the items covered at the same time. We start by discussing dynamic headers, and how important they are when automating reporting workbooks. Next, we review how to transpose the orientation of the conditional summing function to produce horizontal or crosstab reports. We review the idea of mapping tables and show how they are the key to unlocking major efficiency gains. Lastly, we use data validation in our digital reports and review a critical worksheet that belongs in just about every recurring-use workbook: ErrorCk. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel, since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the session, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.
Feeling Stressed from Change and Uncertainty? How to Stay Positive when Things Get Tough
3:00pm - 4:33pm
1.60 Credits
Member Price: $49

When we’re going through change and life feels out of balance, it’s normal to get stuck focused on all the problems and challenges that stress us out. How will the changes impact our team, our job, our lives? It doesn’t help that our brains are wired to anticipate the worst possible outcome. This wiring can make it difficult to be our best; to provide our best teamwork, our best ideas, and our best leadership. However, studies show that there are things we can do to shift our thinking so we can spend more time in positive emotions, like curiosity, enthusiasm, and optimism. Now everything gets easier and better, including: ~ Productivity ~ Customer relations ~ Change management ~ Teamwork ~ Leadership Join Tina to learn and apply The Path for Positivity™ framework based in Positive Psychology. You will learn strategies and insights to help you experience less stress, a smoother transition, and higher productivity even when the future seems uncertain. Share the framework and strategies with your team, too.
Mastering Charitable Remainder Trusts and Form 5227 Compliance
9:00am - 10:48am
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79

Join us for an in-depth webcast on Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and the essential aspects of preparing Form 5227. This course will provide a comprehensive overview of CRTs, including their purpose, benefits, and practical considerations. Moreover, we will delve into the intricacies of Form 5227, the informational return for charitable remainder trusts, ensuring you have the necessary knowledge to accurately complete and file this crucial document. During this webcast, Art Werner will guide you through the fundamental concepts of Charitable Remainder Trusts, illustrating how they can be utilized as a strategic tool for tax planning. We will explore various types of CRTs, their formation, and the different scenarios in which they are most beneficial. A significant portion of the webcast will be dedicated to Form 5227, the reporting requirement for charitable remainder trusts. We will provide an in-depth analysis of the form's components, line by line, ensuring you gain a comprehensive understanding of the information it requires. From trust assets and income to distributions and charitable beneficiaries, we will cover each section, discussing common pitfalls and best practices for accurate reporting. Mr. Werner will address the recent updates and changes to Form 5227, enabling you to stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements.
K2's 2023 Excel Charting and Visualizations
9:00am - 12:37pm
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129

Charts and graphs are nothing new. However, many professionals struggle with building compelling visualizations. If that statement describes you, participate in this session to improve your skills in creating Excel charts and other visualizations. As a result, you will create visualizations to enhance your communication skills. This session is much more than just a seminar on fundamental charts. Instead, in this session, you will learn how to create advanced charts that are interactive, dynamic, and aesthetically pleasing – three qualities that will help to ensure that your readers and audience will understand the data you are presenting. This seminar is a must if you want to improve your communication skills.
2024 Governmental Auditing Update: Yellow Book and Uniform Guidance
9:00am - 1:00pm
4.00 Credits
Member Price: $129

Yellow Book and Single Audit engagements are considered must select engagements for Peer Review. This course will cover the Yellow Book independence requirements which are required any time an auditor is performing a Yellow Book or Single Audit even when the engagement is for a for-profit entity. We'll take a look at the major changes in the 2024 Compliance Supplement as well as the changes to the Uniform Guidance. We'll close with major deficiencies identified by the federal agencies and peer reviewers.
The Single Audit from Beginning to End Update
9:30am - 5:30pm
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $225

This course is an updated overview of the single audit of state and local governments and not-for-profit organizations under the OMB Unified Circular, as well as the applicable AICPA standards for compliance audits.
The Yellow Book: From Beginning to End
9:30am - 5:30pm
8.00 Credits
Member Price: $225

A comprehensive review of the newest version of the U.S. Government Accountability Office’s Government Auditing Standards, otherwise known as “the Yellow Book.” The standard will affect all auditors who perform audits of government and nonprofit organizations who receive federal funds, or where application of GAO standards is required by law, regulation or contract. It does not address the standards applicable to performance audits.
Organizational Effectiveness and Communication
10:00am - 11:05am
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

When asked the question, “What would you like to improve about your leadership and communication style?” more than 65% of leaders say they want to be more confident and assertive in their communication. Confidence and clarity communicate leadership. If you are responsible for growing a profitable company or a productive team, you want team members who have the ability to reach goals, make sales, finish projects, and serve customers. Being a confident, compelling leader helps to inspire better relationships, promotes trust, and reduces stress in the workplace. Lack of confidence and assertiveness can lead to resentment, depression, low self-esteem, and loss of respect from colleagues and employers. Confident communication cultivates cooperation, goal achievement, and a more respectful work environment. Clear and compelling leaders are better equipped to move projects forward and make things happen while improving cooperation and respect from partners and subordinates.
The Ethics Hour: Ethics in the Real World
10:00am - 11:05am
1.00 Credits
Member Price: $39

Business ethics is not just something “nice to do” but can mean the difference between success, failure, and survival in today’s increasingly competitive environment. This seminar outlines steps to create an ethical business culture and provides specific ways for financial managers to make better ethical decisions.
Ethics for CPAs: The Practical and the Possible
10:00am - 11:46am
2.00 Credits
Member Price: $79

Award winning discussion leader, former AICPA Council Member, and former state accountancy board member Mark Hugh will review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and its interpretations; discuss new developments in regulation at the national and state level; and discuss examples of best practices, case studies, and disciplinary actions.