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CTCPA Town Hall Meeting: The Questions Your Clients Will Ask About MyCTSavings

Wednesday, July 17
 9:00am - 10:00am

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Join Comptroller Sean Scanlon and the MyCTSavings team for a Town Hall session with Executive Director Bonnie Stewart.
This session will bring you up-to-date on the program and provide an opportunity to ask questions.  Annual enrollment notices will be sent to newly eligible businesses in mid-July, so join this informative conversation to be prepared with the answers to your clients’ questions on participation and compliance.
Find out:
• What steps do clients need to take to comply?
• Which businesses are exempt?
• Which payroll programs integrate? 
• What’s new with the program?
• What are the employee options?

Please feel free to submit questions in advance to


Leader Bios

Jessica Muirhead, CT Office of the State Comptroller

Jessica Muirhead is the Director of MyCTSavings, a state-facilitated retirement savings program for employees who lack access to a retirement benefit through their workplace. Jessica joined the effort in 2020 through the Office of the State Comptroller and oversaw the execution of the program from establishing its operational structure and business contracts, outreach and marketing, a pilot phase in 2021, through to full launch. She previously held positions with Brown University, UConn, the Capitol Region Council of Governments and earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from UConn.

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Lisa Kidder, CT Office of the State Comptroller

Lisa Kidder is the Strategic Communications Manager for the MyCTSavings Retirement program, coordinating outreach to state businesses. She has extensive experience in collaboration with business and industry groups. As a communicator, Kidder has worked in public relations, advertising, and marketing in both the public and private sectors, and previously owned a communications consulting business.

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Sean Scanlon, CT Office of the State Comptroller

Sean Scanlon began his term as Comptroller in 2023, succeeding Natalie Braswell.

The son of a police officer and small business owner, Sean attended Guilford public schools and worked his way through high school and Boston College. After graduating, Sean returned to Connecticut with the goal of helping others. He began working as an aide for U.S. Senator Chris Murphy where he helped the Senator fight for gun safety and better health care, as well as addressing constituent concerns. In Guilford, he worked with neighbors to organize successful grassroots campaigns to build a new high school and institute a full-day kindergarten.

In 2014, Sean was elected State Representative for Connecticut’s 98th District. In the House, Sean became a champion for health care reform, a passion rooted in his own life experiences coming from a family that was often uninsured or underinsured.

As chairman of the legislature’s Insurance Committee, Sean wrote and passed legislation protecting people with pre-existing conditions from insurance discrimination, established the lowest monthly co-pay cap for insulin in the nation at $25, prevented insurance companies from covering mental health differently than physical health, required health insurance plans to cover ten “Essential Health Benefits,” and created Connecticut’s first prescription drug price transparency law.

During his fourth and final term, Sean served as Chair of the Finance, Revenue and Bonding committee where he led the fight to create tax relief for working families like the one he grew up in and worked with Governor Lamont to pass the largest tax cut in state history.

Outside of the legislature, Sean previously served as Executive Director of Tweed-New Haven Airport, where he secured a $100 million public-private investment deal, brought in a new air carrier, and created over 100 new community jobs.

Sean lives in Guilford with his wife Meghan, who is the President & CEO of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, their two young sons Jack and Declan, and their dog Delaney.

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