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Surgent's Controllership Skills Update: Current Survival Skills

Tuesday, July 16
 10:00am - 12:00pm

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2.00 Credits

Member Price $99.00

Non-Member Price $134.00


The role of financial professionals has and continues to change in organizations. The stereotype of collecting and reporting data has been replaced by a broader vision, which focuses on improving an organization’s results today and preparing it for the future. This brief program offers specific actions that can be implemented by financial personnel to expand their role through improving their organization. The actions and techniques provided build upon and improve activities that exist in many organizations (measuring, budgeting, hiring, risk management, etc.), as well as providing insights into capital allocation, cash management, valuation techniques, variables that influence capacity levels, M&A activity and actions to increase efficiency and innovation. Updated to include the impact of regulations, additional examples of M&A, alliances and strategic spin-offs/splits, methods to improve efficiency from existing activities, the impact of COVID-19, as well as current organizational changes employed to manage and accelerate growth.


  • Provide an overview of the expanded role of financial professionals
  • Gain knowledge in a diverse range of activities
  • Explore analytical valuation techniques that are useful over a board range of events
  • Understand the potential value of improving existing practices and/or implementing missing ones
  • Recognize immediate actions that can result in measurable benefits to an organization
  • Identify specific areas for further exploration 


  • Changing Role of Financial Professionals:
    • Priorities
    • Change in mission
    • Valued-added actions
  • Strategic Measurements:
    • Common errors and guidelines for improvement
    • Balanced scorecard
    • Strategy development and implementation
    • Budgeting basics and next steps
  • Risk Management:
    • Recent lessons, including Black Swan events
    • Defining Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
    • Implementation
  • Developing a Financial Leadership Pipeline:
    • Changing employment environment
    • Retaining the right employees
    • Compensation
    • Hiring process
  • Capital Projects:
    • Types of projects
    • Factors affecting capacity
    • Valuation techniques
    • Cash management
  • M&A Activity:
    • Current environment
    • Controller’s role
    • Strategic questions
    • Sample transactions
    • Due diligence
    • Implementation
  • Introducing Improvements/Innovation:
    • Getting started
    • Establishing an environment
    • Potential first projects
    • Organizational structure

Designed For

Public, private and non-profit organizations and their members – CFOs, CEOs, controllers, auditors, and managers


Experience and/or exposure to financial management




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Leader Bios

Anthony La Russo

Anthony C. La Russo, BA, MBA, CMA Consultant & Lecturer / Naples, FL Tony has over 30 years of experience in industrial and service organizations. During his career he has held senior level management, operating and staff positions, including as President of companies with annual sales of $500 million, consisting of domestic and international facilities. Tony has also held senior level positions in finance, planning and business development, as well as being a Board member in start-up companies. Prior to retiring, during 2003, he was the President of a major division in an international company. Tony had been an Adjunct Professor of Management for 20 years and has written numerous articles on a variety of business topics. He is a member of several professional organizations, has spoken at Annual Meetings, programs at universities and served as an officer in trade associations. Tony also has had two books published: Management: Ready Aim Fire (2005) and Practical Financial Decision Making (2011). His biography is included in several publications by Who’s Who. In addition, since retiring from full-time employment, he has lectured in 35 states including at major corporations, conducted consulting activities and managed real estate investments for a family company. Tony has developed and written courses for the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), was a reviewer for a new book and authored an article How to Avoid Tunnel Vision.

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Non-Member Price $134.00

Member Price $99.00